Avian Magnetic Field Sensing Visualizes Direction

A hermit thrush. Songbirds may be a familiar sight, but studying their migration patterns is difficult. They travel at night — thousands of feet in the air — defying scientists' attempts to track them. Image Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceAvian Magnetic Field Sensing Visualizes DirectionHere on the Oblate Spheroid, many forces exist that aid...

Premiere Week--The Rest

Here are some more of the shows I watched during premiere week--the good, the bad, and the awful?--BOSTON LEGALI have loved this show from the beginning. Who but William Shatner could play Denny Crane? No one, of course--the part was made for him to play. James Spader as Alan Shore is just sleazy enough to hate, but with some good qualities so that you don't hate him TOO much. The two of them together is always a lot of fun--just the thought of them dressed as flamingos is enough to make me laugh out loud. Now we come to the first show of...

The Image Of A Mobile (phone) World

Japanese commuters while away the journey by watching TV on their mobiles. Image Credit: David Sacks/GettyThe Image Of A Mobile (phone) WorldPortable programmable electronic communication devices, which received their birth forty years ago with the release of the T58 & T59 by Texas Instruments, have come a long way and there is no better place...

Only Two More To Go!

After tonight's game, there are only two more pre-season games and THEN. THE. SEASON. STARTS!!!! It's about time. It doesn't look like I will get to see any more games until the season opener next Wednesday.Anyway, the Wings won over Tampa Bay 3-2 in a shootout. I thought I was going to get to see the entire team play tonight, but that wasn't to be. Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Holmstrom, among others, didn't play. However, I did get to see some of the prospects and there are a few I think will, eventually, make it. I can see what they see/saw in...

You Mean I WON'T Talk Finn?

My great-grandmother--the only one I knew--died when I was 9 years old. She was in her 70s. To a young child, as I was, she was very old. She was a very short woman, standing only 4'9" tall. She also was, by ANYONE'S definition, fat--she couldn't have weighed much less than 200 pounds. And she spoke only Finnish, as she had been born in Finland....

Bush tells school kids "Childrens do learn,"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Offering a grammar lesson guaranteed to make any English teacher cringe, President George W. Bush told a group of New York school kids on Wednesday: "Childrens do lear...

Premiere Week

We're halfway through premiere week and there have been some mighty interesting shows. So far: (there might be spoilers--beware!)--HEROESI'm not all that sure whether I will be watching this year. I'm kind of afraid this show will go the way of Desperate Housewives for me: get caught up in the hype the first year and get extremely bored within...

The World Of Germs Becomes Deadlier In Space

Salmonellae are primarily intestinal parasites of man and animals, both domestic and wild. They are frequently found in sewage, river and other waters and soil. They may survive for weeks in water and for years in soil. Image Credit: - 11/3/2006The World Of Germs Becomes Deadlier In SpaceThat’s right, it has been discovered that...

On my reading list: Not Holier Than Thou George Bush and Karl Rove have always used homosexuality as a weapon, have righteously opposed it and have routinely accused people of it, knowing that those people were normal, while all along they have colluded to make the Republican Party a sodomite organization from the top down. That's the theme of the...

Leave the office furniture behind. It isn’t worth one soldier’s life....

Thanks to Wonkette for these photos. Apparently Ahmadinajad is also a Texas Longhorn fan. The photo below is of Bush in Bulgaria....

It's Word War IIIThis is the top link over at the Fox News website. Has World War III broken out? No, the link leads to a story about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Columbia University. Fox News doesn't even pretend any more to be a real news site rather than a propaganda site. And what did Ahmadinejad say about the prospect of war?When asked whether he wanted to go to war, he said he did not."Why is there a need for war?" Ahmadinejad said. "Why should they threaten another country? Why should they create more insecurity? I think officials...

Saturday's Game

The Wings won 5-2 against Sidney Crosby and the Penguins last night. YAY!! Zetterberg was in good form: he had two goals and two assists. Good to see him back.Seems as if the rest of the games will be played with the whole team--so far, they have been playing half of the team at a time. THIS will make it seem more like the season has started. Of course, many of the players will not be on the roster once October rolls around, but it will be good for Z and Datsyuk to be playing during the same game. While the 'Euro Twins' won't be playing...

Phone Calls

Sunday morning. Before noon. The phone rings. Uh, oh, NOT good. I let K answer. His nephew, the father of The Nephew who is staying with us, was in an ATV accident. He was airlifted to a hospital in Duluth. From what little we know, he has multiple broken bones--not sure about what else is wrong. He is in stable condition and expected to make a full recovery, but it will be long in coming. K's sister--the mother of the injured one--will probably have to put off her yearly winter get-away-from-the-snow vacation this year to take care of...

In The News

--I DO kind of think the police were overreacting, but if they weren't tech geeks, I'm sure it could have looked quite suspicious. I am talking about the girl at the Boston airport who wore the 'art piece' consisting of a black hooded sweatshirt, a circuit board, and some wiring. Listen, if she is as smart as they are saying, she should have known how it is a VERY different world today after 9/11. But then, smart people have NEVER been know for their common sense! Here's the whole story.--While I REALLY wish he would just fall off the face...

Seems Like It Will Never End

The Wings won over the Penguins last night 1-0. Even though they were playing at home, I didn't get to see the game. Will this pre-season never end? The end-all, be-all to hockey (Crosby) wasn't there, so I suppose THAT is the reason it went into overtime AND the reason the Wings won. :) The regular season will start soon enough--just can't wait for the next 11 days to pass.I went to NHL Center Ice Online to watch the game and they NOW ask for you to register. The pre-season games--supposedly--are free, but I am very hesitant to register....

Huma Abedin with alleged lesbians Hillary Clinton and Ellen deGeneresHillary Lesbian Rumor Given Weight by DOJ Official“I am close enough to Hillary and Huma to tell you that this ‘rumor’ is true,” the official says. “It is well known inside her campaign that Hillary and Huma are an item.“If you call Hillary’s residence in DC first thing in the morning,...

Feds Target Blackwater in Weapons Probe WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal prosecutors are investigating whether employees of the private security firm Blackwater USA illegally smuggled into Iraq weapons that may have been sold on the black market and ended up in the hands of a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, officials said Frid...

Storm Rules

The Mother gave me the gift that keeps on giving when I was a child: a fear of thunderstorms. I don't do well during them and I do even worse when I am by myself. Tonight we have a high wind advisory and a tornado watch--along with severe thunderstorms. And K is on night shift, so I get to experience all of this by myself. I am so lucky.I am not quite as crazy during thunderstorms as I used to be--but I still have rules that have to be followed while the weather is bad. Gone is the rule that states: ALL electrical objects--except for the...

So They Didn't Win

I watched the Wings lose to the Wild 3-2 tonight. big deal. It was, after all, a pre-season game.Once again I was sitting and wondering who the hell the announcers were talking about when they were calling play-by-play. Well, that is what pre-season games are--a chance for the 'wanna bes' to make the team. There were a couple that were a bit impressive, but for the most part the entire game sucked big time. The players really didn't have their timing down right--many passes to 'nobody there.' There was a lot of fast skating, but...

Latest video sensation: Ron Paul Girl She says "If he gets elected, I'll take off even more....

Two survivors of Sunday's shooting at a busy Baghdad traffic roundabout said Tuesday that security guards for a State Department convoy opened fire without provocation, contradicting assertions by the guards' U.S.-based employer, Blackwater USA, that they were responding to enemy fi...

Peru: Doctors Aid in Rising Number of Illnesses after Meteorite CrashPuno, Peru's Regional Health Director, Jorge López Tejada, reported yesterday that at least 150 people had been seen after having stated they had dermal injuries, were dizzy, nauseous or vomiting.According to the townspeople, the illnesses began after the meteorite crashed and they began to touch the glowing rock believing it had some type of monetary value. Aside from the hundreds of townspeople that were affected, Tejada reported that 8 police officers had to be hospitalized...

A Conversation

Me (to K): While we're in Vegas, let's do something we will never forget. Let's renew our wedding vows and have an Elvis impersonator officiate!K: I definitely don't want an IMPERSONATOR!Me: Well, the real one is in Arkansas or with Steven King in Maine, so I doubt he'll come just to officiate our renewal.K (in mock seriousness): Why wouldn't...

Email Mess

In the early hours of Monday morning, I placed an online order. At 1:01 AM I received the confirmation email from the company. Since that time--a little over 36 hours ago--I have received the EXACT same email more than 125 times! How fun is that?The very first thing I did was to contact the company, thinking that their auto-replay was screwed up. When they replied back, they blamed my ISP and said I have to get them to fix the problem. So, I decided to do an online chat with tech support for my ISP. (I don't call them if I don't have to--can't...

Jack Ruby stripper Jada Journalist Gary Cartwright wrote about Jada in Texas Monthly (Dec 1990) text of article hereMy friend Bud Shrake, who shared an apartment with me on Cole Avenue in 1963, recently refreshed my memory. Ruby and other characters from the Carousel Club, including an unforgettable stripper named Jada, hung around our apartment....

According to exclusive information obtained by Pajamas Media’s Washington editor Richard Miniter, the movement of key CIA station personnel in Baghdad has been all but shut do...

Peru's official government news agency reported this afternoon that scientists which went to the town of Carancas in the Region of Puno, Peru, have confirmed that the glowing object which fell from the sky on Saturday afternoon was indeed a meteorite. To date no reports of the recently dead coming back to li...

Alicia Silverstone poses nude for P...

Medical Update

Today K saw the nephrologist. This, of course, is not the original one who diagnosed his kidney problem--HE no longer is here. K was happy with the doctor--said he was very personable and not a 'kid' like the last one. (The last one was fine, he just looked young enough to be our son--and probably WAS!) After a 45 minute visit and the taking of 4 quarts of blood and half a gallon of pee, the doctor said he will see K again in a year as long as the test results come back fine. This, of course, was good news.Then, of course, we get to the 'oh,...

Finally The Day Has Arrived!

Yes, people, today I am a happy woman. Hockey season has started! Well, the pre-season, but same difference. AND the Wings won 6-1 over the Wild. A good day.Of course, as is my life, it didn't start out all that good. First, I couldn't find the damn game ANYWHERE--to watch OR listen to on the radio! I'm hoping the problems I had were just pre-season...

The Northwest Passage Is Now Open For Business

In this mosaic image (created from nearly 200 images acquired in early September 2007 by the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) instrument aboard ESA’s Envisat satellite) the dark gray colour represents the ice-free areas while the gray-green in the center represents areas with sea ice. The most direct route of the Northwest Passage (highlighted...

My candidate and fam...

Bush meets some real peop...

Peru meteorite crash 'causes mystery illness'A meteorite has struck a remote part of Peru and carved a large crater that is emitting noxious odours and making villagers ill, according to local press reports.A fireball streaked across the Andean sky late on Saturday night and crashed into a field near Carancas, a sparsely populated highland wilderness...

Police Taser Student During Kerry SpeechI've only watched this once but from what I saw the student was asking a question--a long three-part question--but Senator Kerry was willing to hear him out and answer his question. The police moved in and tasered and arrested him. Another view he...

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said yesterday that the United States can contain the Iranian threat to Iraq without going to war with the Islamic republic.I suggest Gates not go hunting with Dick Chen...

Blackwater License Being Pulled in IraqBAGHDAD (AP) -- The Iraqi government said Monday that it was revoking the license of an American security firm accused of involvement in the deaths of eight civilians in a firefight that followed a car bomb explosion near a State Department motorca...


Here we go--some trivia for a Monday! All of these bits come from the mental_floss book Condensed Knowledge.--Three Van Gogh paintings are in the top 10 as most expensive ever sold. A portrait of Dr. Gachet sold for $82.5 mil, a self-portrait sold for $65 mil, and Irises sold for $49 mil.--The Renoir painting Au Moulin de la Galette sold for $78 mil.--5 diseases mosquitoes spread: malaria, dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever, West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis, yellow fever.--The largest mammal/animal known is the blue whale. It also...

Finally, Justice?

It is being reported that OJ Simpson has been arrested because of the 'sting operation' he and several others participated in in Las Vegas. Hopefully, this will be what, finally, takes that damn smirk off of his face! The full story is here.UPDATE: OJ will be charged with six counts of robbery, assault, burglary and conspira...

The Telegraph: Bush setting America up for war with Iran Senior American intelligence and defence officials believe that President George W Bush and his inner circle are taking steps to place America on the path to war with Iran, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.In a chilling scenario of how war might come, a senior intelligence officer warned that public denunciation of Iranian meddling in Iraq - arming and training militants - would lead to cross border raids on Iranian training camps and bomb factories.The vice president is said to advocate the...

Moving toward war with IranThe Guardian: Proxy war could soon turn to direct conflict, analysts warn The growing US focus on confronting Iran in a proxy war inside Iraq risks triggering a direct conflict in the next few months, regional analysts are warning. US-Iranian tensions have mounted significantly in the past few days, with heightened rhetoric on both sides and the US decision to establish a military base in Iraq less than five miles from the Iranian border to block the smuggling of Iranian arms to Shia militias."Washington is seriously...

Alberto Gonzales finally tells the truth"Over the past two and a half years, I have seen tyranny, dishonesty, corruption and depravity of types I never thought possible."&...

George W. Bush: Spawn of Satan?Yesterday I posted the photo of George Bush making what some have called the devils hand sign during a memorial for victims of September 11. Now I come across this photo of Bush making the same sign while meeting the Queen of England! Now some have said that this sign is merely the "hook 'em horns" of the Texas Longhorns....

Updating My Life

Nothing earth-shattering has been happening around here, but here are some updates:--I am getting to know my new kitchen range and I have to say, 'I love it!' Now, don't get me wrong, just because I have a new appliance doesn't make me feel as if I actually have to cook EVERY day, but I have used it enough to be well pleased with it. I still am awestruck with the amount of room I have in the ovens/s. I just may have to do some Christmas baking this year! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!!!!! I just made a joke! :)--The Nephew has now finished up his...

Air Force Times:On Sept. 14, flight lines will be very quiet at Air Combat Command bases.The entire command — about 100,000 active-duty airmen — is standing down training flights and many other operations as part of a command-wide safety day....

There are leaks and then there are leaks. Pentagon sources say that Admiral William Fallon called General Petraeus "an ass-kissing little chickenshit"....

And The Excitement Is Building

The Red Wings have left for Traverse City and their week-long training camp. The first pre-season game is five days away. The first regular season game is in a little over three weeks. It's time for hockey, people! And I can't wait. I am a happy camp...

The conservative sites seem to be suspicious of the bin Laden video as well.Hot Air: Digital forensic analyst: Osama video was manipulatedRightwing Nuthouse: OSAMA VIDEO MAY BE A FAKEMichael Ledeen in the National Review:Third, is it really Osama? As you know, I was reliably told something like two years ago that Osama had died. Nothing in this speech sounds at all like the "old" OBL. That man knew how to give a stemwinder, he used elegant language, his threats were blood-curdling, his calls to the faithful inspiring. This man talks like, well,...

Bush makes satanic hand gesture during 911 memorial service. (Photo from Yahoo)...

Obama for PresidentBarack Obama has been consistently right about the war in Iraq. He was right in 2002 as can be seen in Remarks of Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama Against Going to War with Iraq:What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.I know that even a successful...

Two of the Seven NYT Op-Ed Soldiers Have Died in Iraq Two of the seven soldiers who wrote the New York Times op-ed piece criticizing U.S. counterinsurgency strategy 3 ½ weeks ago have been killed in Iraq. Yance T. Gray and Omar Mora died Monday in a vehicle accident in Baghdad. The AP has reported on Yance Gray here, and KHOU, a Houston-area TV station has reported on Omar Mora here. Their families have been notifi...

Terrorists: We'll cut off head of 'prostitute' Britney Spears "If I meet these whores I will have the honor – I repeat, I will have the honor – to be the first one to cut the heads off Madonna and Britney Spears if they will keep spreading their satanic culture against Islam," said Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesman and senior leader of the Popular Resistance...

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