Charles Barkley just wanted a "blow job"

We have some breaking information regarding the Charles Barkley DUI case and well it is typical Charles Barkley.

According to the Smoking Gun/TMZ, Barkley was discussing with the police officer and well here it is un-cut for your viewing.

"According to the officer who wrote the report, "He told me that he ran the stop sign because he was in a hurry to pick up the girl I saw get in the passenger seat."The officer continues: "He asked me to admit that she was 'hot.' He asked me, 'You want the truth?' When I told him I did he said, 'I was gonna drive around the corner and get a blow job. He then explained that she had given him a 'blow job' one week earlier and said it was the best one he had ever had in his life."The report says when Barkley was taken to the station, he told one of the employees, "I'll tattoo my name on your ass" if he helped "get him out of the DUI." According to the report, "He laughed and then quickly corrected himself and said, 'I'll tattoo your name on my ass' and then laughed again."

LMAO, LMAO, LMAO. This might possibly be the best story of the new year and well Charles Barkley is one of the most entertaining people in the world.

Happy New Years to everyone and 2009 in only minutes away.

I Love Sports ....2008

With the new year passing, it's time to look back in the year of 2008. A bunch of you are probably fans of VH1 "I love the (blank)" (insert: 70's, 80's, 90's, Millenium, Toys, etc.) I'd figure what would happen if ESPN decided to do a "I love 2008 in sports."

Announcer: Alright, Erin Andrews. If your fan of sports in 2008, it left you these burning questions."

Announcer: "Did David Tyree, really have stick-um on his helmet?"

Stuart Scott: It was like a hand of God went up and then said, "booyah"

Announcer: "Was Brett Favre, really that undecided?"

Chirs Berman: It was like Favre as Packer one day, Jets the next, Bucs the next. I was make up your mind already.

Announcer: "Did the Memphis Tigers really practice free throws?"

Dick Vitale: Mario Chalmers is a PTPer, baby.

Announcer: "Did Danica Patrick need to leave the country to win?"

Brad Daughtery: It's was probably true on some level. Japan is nice location.

Announcer: "Did Tampa Bay just need to drop the devil?

Jayson Stark: I'll be honest, the whole Devil Ray thing never made sense to me.

Announcer: "Did Kevin Garnett believe that anything was possible?"

John Anderson: Then the Boston Three Party was born.

Announcer: "Was Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin saving the NHL?"

Barry Melrose: Sid the Kid met Alex, the world imploded.

Announcer: "Your a fan of sports, because Heisman-winner Tim Tebow gave you a snip. Admit, you loved sports in the year of 2008."

Happy New Year's Everyone.

Charles Barkley gets arrested for a DUI

Hopefully all of you that read Outside the Boxscore are going to have a great new year celebration tonight.

One news note that has been coming across the wire is Charles Barkley getting arrested for a DUI in Scottsdale, Arizona early Wednesday. Barkley was pulled over by the police office after he ran a red-light. Barkley did not take a breathalyzer test but was subjected to a blood test.

He was released today after posting bail. However, the story continues as Dirty reported that Charles Barkley was partying with FOX NFL analyst Michael Strahan, and celebrity writer Jaleel White (AKA Urkel).

Allegedly there are reports that Charles spent over 1800 dollars in a VIP booth on liquor at the club "Dirty/Pretty." According to sources undisclosed, they noted Charles in his car had bearclaw donuts.

We salute you Charles, Happy New Year to you.

Coming Out Of The Fog

It has now been about three weeks since I got sick and FINALLY I believe I have turned the corner and am getting better. My hearing is almost normal, my throat doesn't hurt nearly as much, and the cough isn't keeping me awake at night. I think I am still battling the conjunctivitis and WILL call the ophthalmologist on Monday if all isn't clear by then. Of course, the head being plugged up to a certain extent is just a part of living here, so I don't expect THAT to change too much. All in all, I'm able to do most everything I want--just at a slower pace and over the course of DAYS rather than HOURS. Needless to say, I DON'T make a good sick person.


We have been having strange weather. Of course we have a LOT of snow--so far, 113.6 inches have fallen at the local NWS station. The 'normal' snowfall to this point in the season is 64.7 inches. Yep, almost double what we should have. However, it doesn't really look like we have a horrendous amount of snow because of the 'heat' waves and rain that has fallen during them. Our last rain was right after Christmas and we got our own private ice rink in the back yard as a result. Too bad so much snow fell afterward or I could have been skating daily. (Outdoor ice rinks are WAY too hard to maintain--too labor intensive!) Today the skies are clear, the sun is shining, and the temp is sitting at 18--but more snow is coming tomorrow.


Tomorrow is the Winter Classic game and I can't wait! With all of the hype, it should be great--as long as the Wings win. :) Last night they shut out the 'Hawks 4-0, so tomorrow will be interesting. I wanted to have a Winter Classic party, but K said he doesn't want me to overexert myself and I think he was right. So, I will just be on the couch at 1:00 PM, wearing my Winter Classic T-shirt, waiting for the puck to drop. GO WINGS!!!


Despite not feeling like myself, we were able to have a fairly normal Christmas celebration. We went to spend Christmas Eve with friends--a tradition that has been going on for many years--and had a quiet Christmas Day with only A and her husband here.

While this year was not a big one for gifts--K and I still are getting furniture--I DID receive one very memorable one. A and her husband 'rescued' the sewing maching from The Parents' house that I taught myself to sew on. It was in their basement and had been for many years. Despite the abuse it took, it is in quite good shape and the restoration process shouldn't be too difficult. I could still use it if it was cleaned a bit more and a new belt was put on. The cabinet has some damage, but a friend said it shouldn't be hard to fix the problem areas. And here is a picture of the machine:

Yes, it is a Singer treadle machine and is almost 100 years old. This was The Mother's aunt-in-law's machine that was willed to her when the aunt died and now it is officially mine. I really can't wait to get started on the restoration--however, I have NO idea where I will put it afterwards! Decisions, decisions.


As long as I don't have another relapse, I should be doing regular posts from now on. I want to wish everyone a wonderful and blessed new year. Hopefully, this one will be better than the last.

HIM @ Nosturi 27.12.2008

Tämä postaus on vähän niinkuin jatkoa alla olevalle postaukselle, koska viikon postaustauon aikana oli juuri joulu, ja sitten kauan odotettu HIM:n Nosturin keikka! En halunnut siis tunkea näitä samaan postukseen, koska sitä ei olisi jaksanut lukea varmasti kukaan. Ei kyllä tätäkään, koska aion selittää aika pikkutarkasti koko reissun. Pahoittelen sitä ettei minulla ole nyt yhtään itse ottamiani kuvia, vaan kuvat on Googlen kuvahaulla etsittyjä. Kuvasin kyllä eilen ostokset, mutta koneeni on niin täynnä ettei kuvat edes mahdu tähän! Siitä syystä varmaan perjantaina luvassa ulkoisen kovalevyn osto..

Tapaninpäivänä eli viime perjantaina lähdin siis kaverini Vilun ja hänen iskänsä luo yöksi, että pääsisimme aamulla hyvin lähtemään Vilun kaverin Suvin ja hänen perheensä kanssa Espooseen, nimittäin se Vilun kaveri Kalle oli perunyt VIIMEISENÄ ILTANA Hesan reissunsa, joten oli aika onni että Suvi oli vanhempiensa kanssa täällä kotikaupungissani ilmeisesti kesämökillään.
No, lauantaiaamuna Vilu sitten ilmottaa Suville että minun ja Vilun l
iput on Vilun äidin luona ja ne pitäisi hakea sieltä, mutta se ei sitten meinannut ollakaan niin helppoa, vaan meinasimme joutua menemään bussilla. Olin kyllä varma että koko reissu on tuhoon tuomittu kun heti aamulla alkoi ongelmat. Onneksi sitten lopulta saimme kyydin Espooseen Suvin luo, jossa olimme sitten kaksi yötä.
Lähdimme melkein heti bussilla Espooseen tultuamme Helsinkiin, ja shoppailimme jonkin aikaa Kampissa ennen kuin lähdimme kävelemään Nosturiin. Tietenkään sekään ei mennyt niin halposti, koska Vilu ja Suvi eivät muistaneet miten sinne mennään. Niinpä sitten menimme jotain ihan ihme reittiä joka oli aika mukavan pitkkä, mutta lopulta löysimme Nosturille kun olimme kysyneet apua joltain neljältä eri tyypiltä.
Nosturille saapuessamme kello oli jotain vajaa 18, ja ovien oli mää
rä avautua klo 19. Paljoa siellä ei silti ollut porukkaa jonottamassa, ja minun puolesta olisimme voineet mennä kiltisti jonon perälle, mutta pääsimme sitten jonkun Suvin tutun ansiosta odottamaan sinne ihan eteen. Olin kyllä kuolla häpeästä kun ohitimme jonon... Ulkona oli juuri hirveän kylmä, ja jonkun 45 min odotuksen jälkeen meille tultiin ilmoittamaan, että ovet avautuvat vasta klo 19.30. Siinä sitten varpaatkin alkoivta olla aika kuoliossa..
Lopulta sitten ovet avattiin, ja alkoi ihan kamala ryysis, liiskaannuin sitä ovea vasten. XD Onneksi siitä sitten pääsin narikoille, ja narikoiden jälkeen jouduimme pysähtymään melkein heti uudestaan yhden oven eteen. Oli aika tiivis tunnelma. Siinä sitten Viluun tarrautuneena odotettiin, ja ovet aukaistiin jälleen ja pääsimme menemään portaat ylös. Mutta kiva juttu, juuri ennen sitä salia oli taas ovet kiinni, ja olin sellaisessa puristuksessa jonkun isokokoisen ihmisen edessä että huh huh. Lopulta pääsimme salin vai mikä nyt onkaan puolella ja juoksimme vain äkkiä niin eteen kuin pystyimme, ja tajusion vasta sitten että olin päässyt Vilun kanssa tokaan riviin, ja Suvi ihan meidän lähelle ekaan riviin! En ollut odottanut mitään sellaista, enkä osannut arvioida yhtään miten kamala keikka tulisi olemaan kun olen tokarivissä ja takana olevat litistävät takaa päin ja Vilu oli kertonut kauhujuttuja keikoista.

Muistin siinä odotellessa että Vilu oli kertonut että Nosturin katossa on kiinni iso Hertagarm, ja se oli siirretty lavan yläpuolelle. Löysin siitä tällaisen kuvan netistä:
Koko lauantain huonoin juttu oli kyllä se, että koko päivä oli pelkkää odottamista, ja lämppäriäkin siinä sitten odotettiin jonkin aikaa. Päätin sitten keikan alettua että aion pysyä niin kauan siinä kakkosrivissä kuin mahdollista, ja pidin koko ajan siinä kaiteesta kiinni.
Lämppärin lopetettua jouduimme sitten odottamaan taas jonkun tunnin HIMiä, ja he aloittivatkin n. 15 min myöhässä. Porukka tunki koko ajan eteenpäin, mutta pysyin kuitenkin kohtuu helposti paikallani ja Vilu vieressäni. :D

Lopulta sitten HIM aloitti, ja oli siinä odotusvaiheessa kerennyt ajatella että onko tämä tosiaan kaiken tämän arvoista, mutta HIMin soittaessa olin sitä mieltä että on. :)
Kuten edellisessä postauksessa kerroin, en ottanut sinne kameraa mukaan, koska en tiennyt yhtään mitä odottaa, eikä Nosturissa olisi edes saanut kuvata, mutta eipä sitä kieltoa kukaan noudattanut.. Tässä muuten set list, toivon mukaan se on oikea: It's All Tears, Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly, Right Here in My Arms, Buried Alive By Love, Join Me, Passion's Killing Floor, Wicked Game, Killing Loneliness, Soul on Fire, The Funeral of Hearts, Your Sweet 666, The Kiss of Dawn, The Sacrament, Poison Girl, Rebel Yell, When Love and Death Embrace.
HIM meinasi lopettaa tuossa vaiheessa, mutta palasi kuitenkin lavalle esittämään n. 10 min kestävän Sleepwalking Past Hope:n. :)

Päätinpä sitten YouTubesta etsiä muiden kuvaamia keikkavideoita, ja tässä on Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly. Harmi etten löytänyt yhtä aika loistavaa videota Villen välispiikistä, kun edessämme olleet tyypit heittivät lavalle banaanin jonka päällä oli kortsu ja sitten Ville liiskasi sen. :''D

Himpuloiden poistutta lavalta alkoi vesipullojen ja muiden jako, ja saimme kaikkii juomapullot joista oli vähän juotu, ja nyt ajattelemme kaikki että "Juuri minulla on totta kai Ville Valon pullo ♥" ja sitä rataa. XD Nyt se pullo on tuolla hyllyni päällä. 8))

Keikka sujui muuten hyvin jos ei tietysti lasketa sitä että välillä oli karsea jano ja takana olevat työnsivät, mutta Vilu kertoi ennen keikkaa että juuri sen jälkeen tulee suunnilleen paras olo, ja hän oli kyllä oikeassa. :D

Nosturista sitten lähdimme takasin Kampille n. 00.30 yöllä seuraten muita ihmisiä, ja tajusimme että olisimme päässeet suoraan Nosturiin jos olisimme jatkaneet yhtä tie
tä Ruttiksen ohi.. No, tuli ainakin liikuntaa. :D Muuta jännää minulla ei sitten paljoa ole kerrottavana, sunnuntai kului Kampissa ja Forumissa shoppaillessa ja Espoossa hengatessa. Maanantaina sitten lähdimme Helsinkiin Vilun kanssa kahdestaan, ja kävimme mm. Itiksessä metrolla. Olin muuten ekaa kertaa metrossa, haha! :DD
Ajattelimme että lähtisimme kotiin vasta n. klo 00.30 lähtevällä bussilla, mutta koska emme keksineet enää tekemistä, niin palasimme nopeasti metrolla Kamppiin ja otimme tavaramme säilöstä ja lähdimme kotia päin jossain 19.30. Bussissa oli meidän lisäksi vain muutama tyyppi, ja saimme olla takapenkeillä rauhassa. Aloitin siinä matkalla Uusi Kuu -kirjan lukemisen, kun en ole lomalla aiemmin ehtinyt. Linja-autoasemalla olimme sitten jossai 00.30 aikaan pysähdysten takia, ja sieltä sitten isäni haki meidät ja pääsin kotiin nukkumaan.

Olipas tylsä kertomus, kun ei ole edes kuvamateriaalia, mutta ostokset esittelen varmaan seuraavassa postauksessa, kuten myös Vilulta myöhäiseksi joululahjaksi saadun Marilyn taulun. Se on muuten nyt kolmanteni. ♥ Että kiitos vaan vielä Vilulle kun ostit sen menomatkalla Kuortista. :)

Tähän mennessä on siis ollu mukava loma joitain hetkiä lukuunottamatta, mutta tämä päivä onkin sitten niin masentava kun olla vain voi, koska dataan KOKO PÄIVÄN yksinään kotona, kun muut ovat viettämässä uutta vuotta. Että ei käy kateeksi. Eilen minulla oli ainakin vielä kolme eri vaihtoehtoa/suunnitelmaa, mutta kaikki peruuntuivat. N
o, ei se ole uutta minulle. Olisin siis viettänyt uuden vuoden joko serkkuni, Vilun tai vanhempieni ja kummieni + serkkun kanssa mökillä, mutta ei sitten. Mielummin jäin nyt sitten vaikka yksin tänne dataamaan kun en halunnut pelkästään vanhempieni kanssa lähteä mökille. Vielä alle kuusi tuntia tätä vuotta, ja minä vietän loppuvuoden ihan yksin..

Mutta nyt riittää angstaaminen, vaikka muina vuosina onkin aina ollut tekemistä ja seuraa.
Kaikesta huolimatta mielenkiintoista uutta vuotta -09 kaikille, ja toivon että tuleva vuosi olisi parempi kuin -08, vaikka näin toivon kyllä joka vuosi. Vaikka tietysti vuodessa -08 oli myös puolensa, ja yhdestä niistähän tämä postaus juuri kertoi.

Np: HIM - Vampire Heart

Joulu oli ja meni

Nyt tuli taas sitten viikon postaustauko, sori. Joulukin oli ja meni, ja tiedän että nyt on huono hetki kertoa siitä kun huomenna on jo uusi vuosi. No, aion nyt kuitenkin esitellä tässä saamani lahjat ja muut, ja minua pyydettiinkin näyttämään asu jossa vietin joulun, joten.. :D

Olin siis perheeni kanssa aaton kotonamme, ja päätin sitten pukeutua näinkin hurmaavaan asuun..

♥ hame: Ekotori
♥ huppari: tuliainen Viipurista
♥ t-paita: Vilulta
♥ polvisukat: joskus joululahjaksi saadut
♥ villasukat: itse tehdyt
♥ tonttulakki: ?
♥ vyö: äidin vanha
♥ helmet: Vilulta
♥ hopeinen ponnari: Allulta
♥ Hello Kitty -ponnarit: H&M

Haha, että ainakin vähän erilainen asu kuin normisti. XD

Joulu sujui oikein mukavasti, ja tuntui että ekaa kertaa odotin enemmänkin kaikkea muuta mukavaa kuin pelkkiä lahjoja. Joulusaunan jälkeen minä toimin lahjojen jakajana, ja kuvasimme lahjojen jaosta monta videota. En kyllä niitä tänne aio laittaa. :D

Tässä vähän aaton kuvailua sisällä.
Näkymä keittiön ikkunastamme.
Äitini oli ostanut tänä vuonna erilaisen joulutähden, nimittäin vaaleanpuna-valkoisen. Toivottavasti tuollainen olisi myös ensivuonna!

Kävimme myös aattona kävelemässä, tässä muutama kuva.
Saimme laitettua punaiset jouluvalot kivasti menemään pitkin koiriemme tarhaa, jossa koirat ovat välillä kesällä.
Koska en syö lihaa, kalaa, kanaa enkä mitään karkkeja, niin piti vähän itse soveltaa joulusyömisieni kanssa. Ostimme ensimmäistä kertaa kokonaisen ananaksen, ja se oli tosi hyvää, paitsi että suutani alkoi kyllä kirvellä.
Koiramme eivät varmaan vielä aamulla aavistaneet mitään että illalla on luvassa lahjojen jakoa, joten ne lämmittelivät rauhassa takan edessä.

Hain kyllä ihan itselleni tuon tyynyn tuohon takan eteen, mutta Remu sitten päätti vallata sen..
Mahduin minäkin siihen sitten lopulta, ja yritin ottaa kuvaa kun syön tuossa samalla joulutorttua. Tuli kyllä huono kuva. :D
Lahjojen ilmestyttä kuusen alle Pimu päätti aloittaa niiden vartioimisen, ja se murisi muille koirille jos ne edes vilkaisivat lohjoihin päin. :DD Muuten niin söpö ja lauhkea Pimu muuttui lahjojen edessä aika itsekeskeiseksi.
Haha, tässä myös video jossa kuuluu vähän tuota Pimun murinaa kun se murisee Napsulle ja Remulle. :D

Tämä oli Napsulle jo kymmenes joulu, joten se tiesi mistä lahjojen saamisessa on kyse, joten se meni onnellisesti avaamaan luupakettiaan.
Lupasin kuvata saamani lahjat, joten tässä ne nyt on.
Kummeiltani sain mm. tämän suuren pinkin seinäkellon.
..Kuten myös alla olevan pistaasin värisen KoKo-lautasen. Keräilin tuota KoKo-sarjaa ruskeana ja limenä, mutta kun limen tekeminen lopetettiin ja minulta puuttui enää lime lautanen, niin nyt sitten tuo pistaasi saa kelvata, vaikka ärsyttää kylläkin kun yksi lautanen on eri sävyä.
Astioita sain myös muita, nimittäin äidiltäni Mörkö- ja Hattivattimukit ja Mymmeli kulhon. Nyt minulla taitaa olla 10 Muumimukia ja 4 kulhoa! :) Sori kun näissä kuvissa vääristyy värit, kun otin ne ilman salamaa hehkulamppuvalaistuksessa. Mörkömuki on siis oikeasti tummansininen ja Hattivattimuki oranssi, ja Mymmelikulho pinkki.

Tässä myös pari korttia jotka sain.
En nyt tiedä oliko sopivaa ottaa kuva rahoistaan, mutta lahjoja ne on siinä missä muutkin. :D Eli rahaa yhteensä 120€, sitten Allulta Glitterin vaal.pun setti jossa on panta ja kaksi rusettipinniä, Allulta myös Body Shopin saippua ja enkelimagneetti. Äidiltä dödö.Tässä myös Allulta saatu pinkki baskeri ja äidiltä saatu Parrotsin Japan Mix sekoitus, jossa on jotain pähkinajuttuja ja muuta suolaista pikku purtavaa.
Äidiltä sain lahjat tuossa korissa, ja siinä oli muiden juttujen lisäksi nuo Seppälän pyjamahousut. Tiesin kyllä että saan nämä kun olin mukana ostamassa näitä, ja tiesin kyllä Muumiastioistakin.
Lisäksi sain äidiltä pyjaman, johon kuuluu pinkki t-paita ja pilvihousut.
Sitten ehkä suurin yllätys, eli se, että isäni oli erikseen ostanut minulle lahjan! En ole varmaan melkein ikinä saanut häneltä mitään mitä hän olisi ihan itse hommannut, mutta hän oli mennyt ja ostanut minulle tämän mustan venyväranteisin Leijona-rannekellon! Tuo on muuten kiva, mutta pitää käydä vähän lyhennyttämässä vähän tuota ranneketta kun minulla on niin kapean ranteen ja kädet.

Äitini sai samanlaisen kellon mutta kullanvärisen, joten voimme hänen kanssaan aina vaihtaa kelloja asujemme mukaan. :D
Sain vielä pari muutakin lahjaa, ja olen tosi tyytyväinen saamiini lahjoihini, ja voisin kyllä senkin laskea joululahjaksi, että sain mennä sinne 27.12 olleeseen HIMin Nosturin keikalle, ja vanhempani vielä maksoivat lipunkin. Niin, olin tosiaan siellä keikalla muutama päivä sitten, ja en tiedä pitäisikö minun tehdä siitä ihan oma postauksensa, koska olisi niin paljon kerrottavaa! Tämä viikon taukokin johtuu siitä, ja olin eilen liian laiska kirjoittamaan. Suurin harmin aihe on se, että en ottanut koko reissulla yhtään ainutta kuvaa! Yleensä kuvaan melkein kaiken, mutta en sitten siellä jaksanut kaivaa missään vaiheessa kameraa esiin, eikä siellä keikalla edes ollut kameraa mukana, kun en uskaltanuut uhrata sitä.
Okei, mutta nyt en kerro matkasta yhtään enempää, alan vaikka kohta kirjoittamaan uutta postausta ettei tämä mene yhtään sekavammaksi. :DD

Np. Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves

PS. Vaihdoin muuten eilen vähän ulkoasua Nompan antamilla ohjeilla. En ole ennen tajunnut että sitä voi muuttaa niin helposti. 8'')) Kiitos Nomppa! Pitää kyllä katsoa muutanko tuota pinkin sävyä johonkin toiseen.

4 - 0 Wings Win over Chicago

Datsyuk with the first goal followed by two from Franzen. The final goal was a beautiful pass from Filppula to Kopecky. Ty Conklin had a great night letting no goals in with 36 saves.
Here are some of the highlights from the game below.

4 minutes 18 sec

Hot Stove League midseason winners/losers

By Rick Morris

Roughly halfway through baseball's vaunted free agency/trading period, let's take a look at your winners and losers to this point (and to refresh your memory about who's gone where, check all the transactions here).


1. New York Yankees. No duh, right? The hilarity of the situation is, though, that even with CC, AJ, MarkTex and NickSwish in the fold, the team is still caught in a three-way mosh pit of excellence in the AL East. The Red Sox should still try to make some upgrades, but they're still right there and for anyone waiting for a Tampa Bay relapse, picture this: Scott Kazmir and David Price at the front of the rotation. With apologies to the Angels, these are definitely the three best teams in the AL at the moment; two will make the playoffs and one must sit home. How'd you like to be answering to little Hankie Steinbrenner the first Monday in October if all of these moves aren't enough?

2. New York Mets. This team is still constituted in a strange manner, a bit short on chemistry and clutch play -- as the last two Septembers have demonstrated. But realistically, the KRod/Putz additions will shortly erase memories of the horrid bullpens of recent times and will create a lot of games that are over after seven innings. Another bat or starting arm would be nice in terms of solidifying a playoff spot, but for now, the Metropolitans have said to Philly "Game on!"

3. Oakland. It's not really clear what Billy Beane intends with the shocking Matt Holliday acquisition. He gave up a lot to get him and he's too shrewd to do that just for one year, so he must think that he can shuffle enough payroll to keep him. The As are slotted here on the assumption that Beane did not miscalculate and make a horrible mistake by compromising an excellent young talent base for a short-term boost. In a sane universe, he'd have been named NL MVP in 2007 and his home-road splits aren't as bad as the haters act like they are (in reality, few are as bad these days in the age of the humidor). With a great all-around offensive game and a glove to match, he's a legitimate difference-maker and if Oakland can shock the world by getting past the Angels or one of the AL East beasts for the wild card, he'll be a huge part of the reason why.

4. St. Louis. This team just keeps finding a way to compete year after year even when they're not completely on their game. Witness the 2006 World Series title after an 83-win regular season or last year's amazing run of contention throughout the year with paper-thin starting pitching in an alleged rebuilding year. The addition of Khalil Greene is a shrewd move, bringing to mind a similar trade for an exciting shortstop about three decades ago ...

5. Kansas City. The team perhaps most likely to be the "Tampa Bay of '09" is taking advantage of the parity in the AL Central by adding Mike Jacobs to their talented young core. Presumably, they're not done yet tinkering around the margins. Are they good enough to win the pennant like the Rays? Of course not, but stealing a garbage division with about 82 wins is not out of the question.

Honorable Mention

Cleveland. You've got to like the bullpen now, especially with the Kerry Wood signing. And the conventional wisdom that the team needs another starting pitcher is not necessarily true with the depth of options available internally, but the team stupidly will not admit that they need at least one more legitimate bat -- make that two if their "wish upon a star Travis Hafner redemption scenario" doesn't materialize.


1. Toronto. How's that decision to gamble big-time on an injury-prone AJ Burnett working out for you, Jays Fan? The guy opted out of the contract early after Toronto had overpaid him for underachieving results. Nice! With an Oriole team quietly building a nice core and three absolute monsters ahead of them in the standings, only realignment could put this team in the playoffs before 2015.

2. L.A. Angels. They'll get somebody to replace KRod, and he may have been overpaid based on the mileage he accrued last year (keeping in mind that you pay players based on anticipated production rather than what they've done in the past). But they have to anticipate a ninth-inning falloff, plus they'll probably lose Garret Anderson. They may well be able to fill holes with young talent, but for a team that has to prove it can get it done in October, surmounting the AL East teams (sorry to say it, but especially Boston) could be difficult without some of their proven stars.

3. Colorado. Just a year removed from the World Series, the full-on rebuilding is underway. Holliday brought in a nice haul, so the team will be OK in the medium-term, but forget contending for at least the next two years.

4. Seattle. The talent offloading continues, but the Mariners couldn't be any worse with young talent next year. That doesn't mean they'll even be within a Tiger Woods driver shot of .500, though.

5. San Francisco. This slotting may seem a bit surprising, but the decision to spend money on Randy Johnson rather than much-needed bats will come back to bite them. The rotation is anchored by the Cy Young winner and could be above-average if the Unit has enough left in the tank and Matt Cain starts to live up to his potential in earnest, but they're going to lose many more 1-0 games than they'll win.

Now, for the teams who could still be winners with a strong Hot Stove second half:

^ Boston. The offense isn't as explosive as it was in the World Series title years, and that will probably be the focus of any remaining moves. With Tex out of the mix, they aren't likely to manage a blockbuster (except through a big trade), but they can add to their lineup strength. The Brad Penny gamble is a good one for a rotation that should be solid enough to do anything you could expect.

^ Tampa Bay. It's been apparent since last summer that the team could benefit from one more bat, preferably a big bopper at DH. If they get one, they're as likely to make the playoffs as either of their big-spending rivals ... but will they finally stick their necks out to get it done?

^ Washington. Supposedly, they're now willing to spend. As bad as they've been, even respectability won't come cheap, but in MLB these days, big payrolls deployed wisely put you right in the hunt.

And here's the teams who will be losers if they don't turn it around before spring training:

^ Arizona. They still need offensive firepower to bridge the gap until their youngsters become regular All-Stars.

^ Cincinnati. Young talent is great, and their core of franchise players might be Top 5 in the entire game. You have to augment with outside talent, though, if you're going to take that next step and be a playoff contender.

^ L.A. Dodgers. With the loss of Manny, they're in the same boat as Arizona. Their AA team at Jacksonville has had lights-out talent the past few years, but Joe Torre needs some vets who can mash right now.

^ Milwaukee. CC's gone and Ben Sheets might well follow. They're in danger of becoming the Bizarro World Giants, a team that is forced to try to win 9-8 games.

^ Philadelphia. They were the champs in '08, but they must keep striving to improve; unlike the Red Sox championship teams of recent years, they can't go into the next season as the favorites without continued upgrades. Another reliable starting pitcher and a legit third baseman would mark them as the team to beat in the NL this year -- and potentially, in all of baseball.

Broncos fire Mike Shanahan

After 14 seasons with the Denver Broncos, head coach Mike Shanahan has been let go. The Broncos became the only team in NFL history to the lead the division from the beginning of week 1 to week 16 and then not win the division.

This was the second year that the Broncos collapsed in the final week of the season. Last year was when they choked against the San Francisco 49ers to cost them a playoff spot.

Shanahan was hired after he fired by the Oakland Raiders and was part of the 49ers famed coaching tree under Bill Walsh. He won back to back Super Bowls from 1997 to 1998 under a team that consisted of John Elway, Terrell Davis, and a ferocious defense. Many NFL writers thought that Shanahan was "coach for life" with the Denver Broncos.

Denver Broncos owner Pat Bowlen was available to comment, " After giving this careful consideration, I have concluded that a change in our football operations is in the best interests of the Denver Broncos. This is certainly a difficult decision, but one that I feel must be made and which will ultimately be in the best interests of all concerned."

Shanahan ended his tenure with the Broncos with a 146-89 record.

CEO of Lockheed knew of extraterrestrial UFO visitors

Dr. Ben R. Rich confirmed:

1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector…

We Like Sportz

Although this is mainly a sports blog, we always like to scour the internet to find something of interest.

The guys at Lonelyisland is at again. For all of you who don't who they are it's a comedy song writing trio with SNL's Adam Samberg. (You know the guy who wrote Dick in a Box and Jizz in my pants)

Here is there latest song, "We Like Sportz." However, it is still not comparable to Jizz in my pants.

The Overtime Period for the Missouri-Northwestern Alamo Bowl

Here is your overtime period.

Alamo Bowl missed field goal, Chase Daniels family in shock

During College Football's bowl season, the Alamo bowl is usually a blip on the radar.

However recently they've held some great games that all ended in the final minute.

Last night was no exception of the Missouri and Northwestern went to overtime.

(For all that care, the next post will include the overtime period. Don't read much further if you don't want to know the ending)

Missouri missed a 43 yard field goal at the end of regulation and send the game into overtime. Missouri eventually won 30 to 23.

However the real fun is the pan shots of Chase Daniels family reaction to the missed field goal, priceless.

Ten Strangest Things About Our Universe - 2008

Artist's rendition of a hypervelocity star leaving a galaxy. Image Credit: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Ten Strangest Things About Our Universe - 2008

At the end of any year, one is confronted with many bottom up lists describing the important events, people, discoveries, and etc. over the course of the past year just lived.

This exercise always allows one to pause and reflect on what has been learned and to ponder what might be useful for the New Year ahead.

WE at Oblate Spheroid, marvel at how different life and the place the Earth has in the universe becomes the more we learn about the space we occupy.

The more we look among the stars and galaxies, the weirder things seem to get.

Even space itself is puzzling, for example; Recent studies suggest that the fabric of the universe stretches more than 150 billion light-years across -- in spite of the fact that the cosmos is 13.7 billion years old.

This excerpted and edited from The Discovery Channel –

Hypervelocity stars were first theorized to exist in 1988. The theory was that binary star systems at the galaxy's center would occasionally wander too close to the massive black hole looming there, which would disrupt their orbital dance. While one of the pair was captured by the black hole, the other would be sent rocketing off at an incredible speed. Caption: MSNBC - Image Credit: ESO


By Dave Mosher for The Discovery Channel - Article originally posted October 31, 2008.

10. Hypervelocity Stars

If you've ever gazed at the night sky, you've probably wished upon a shooting star (which are really meteors).

But shooting stars do exist, and they're as rare as one in 100 million.

In 2005, astronomers discovered the first "hypervelocity" star careening out of a galaxy at nearly 530 miles per second (10 times faster than ordinary star movement).

We have ideas about what flings these rare stars into deep space, but aren't certain; anything from off-kilter supernova explosions to supermassive black holes might be responsible.

9. Black Holes

Conception of a black hole pulling gas off of a nearby star. Image Credit: ESA/NASA

Speaking of black holes, what could be stranger?

Beyond a black hole's gravitational border -- or event horizon -- neither matter nor light can escape. Astrophysicists think dying stars about three to 20 times the mass of the sun can form these strange objects. At the center of galaxies, black holes about 10,000 to 18 billion times heavier than the sun are thought to exist, enlarged by gobbling up gas, dust, stars and small black holes.

What about mid-sized types? Perhaps surprisingly, evidence is both scarce and questionable for their existence.

8. Magnetars

Artist's rendition of a magnetar with magnetic fields shown. Image Credit: NASA

The sun spins about once every 25 days, gradually deforming its magnetic field.

Well, imagine a dying star heavier than the sun collapsing into a wad of matter just a dozen miles in diameter.

Like a spinning ballerina pulling his or her arms inward, this change in size spins the neutron star -- and its magnetic field -- out of control.

Calculations show these objects possess temporary magnetic fields about one million billion times stronger than the Earth's. That's powerful enough to destroy your credit card from hundreds of thousands of miles away, and deform atoms into ultra-thin cylinders.

7. Neutrinos

Construction of the NuMI neutrino source underway. Image Credit: BNL

Pull out a dime from your pocket and hold it up for a second... guess what? About 150 billion tiny, nearly massless particles called neutrinos just passed through it as though it didn't even exist.

Scientists have found that they originate in stars (living or exploding), nuclear material and from the Big Bang. The elementary particles come in three "flavors" and, stranger still, seem to disappear on a whim.

Because neutrinos occasionally do interact with "normal" matter such as water and mineral oil, scientists hope they can use them as a revolutionary telescope to see beyond parts of the universe obscured by dust and gas.

6. Dark Matter

False-color depiction of dark matter around a star cluster. Image Credit: J.-P. Kneib/ESA/NASA

If you put all of the energy and matter of the cosmos into a pie and divvy it up, the result is shocking.

All of the galaxies, stars, planets, comets, asteroids, dust, gas and particles account for just 4 percent of the known universe. Most of what we call "matter" -- about 23 percent of the universe -- is invisible to human eyes and instruments.

For now.

Scientists can see dark matter's gravitational tug on stars and galaxies, but are searching feverishly for ways to detect it first-hand. They think particles similar to neutrinos yet far more massive could be the mysterious, unseen stuff.

5. Dark Energy

Computer simulation of dark matter filaments. Image Credit: Science Magazine

What really has everyone on the planet confused -- including scientists -- is dark energy.
To continue with the pie analogy, dark energy is a Garfield-sized portion at 73 percent of the known universe. It seems to pervade all of space and push galaxies farther and farther away from one another at increasingly faster speeds.

Some cosmologists think this expansion will leave the Milky Way galaxy as an "island universe" in a few trillion years with no other galaxies visible.

Others think the rate of expansion will become so great that it will result in a "Big Rip." In this scenario, the force of dark energy overcomes gravity to disassemble stars and planets, the forces keeping particles sticking together, the molecules in those particles, and eventually the atoms and subatomic particles. Thankfully, humankind probably won't be around to witness to cataclysm.

4. Planets

Illustration of terrestrial, extrasolar planets. Image Credit: R. Hurt/NASA/JPL-Caltech

It might sound strange because we live on one, but planets are some of the more mysterious members of the universe.

So far, no theory can fully explain how disks of gas and dust around stars form planets -- particularly rocky ones.

Not making matters easier is the fact that most of a planet is concealed beneath its surface. Advanced gadgetry can offer clues of what lies beneath, but we have heavily explored only a few planets in the solar system.

Only in 1999 was the first planet outside of our celestial neighborhood detected, and in November 2008 the first bona fide exoplanet images taken.

3. Gravity

Artist depiction of gravity waves around merging black holes. Image Credit: NASA

The force that helps stars ignite, planets stay together and objects orbit is one of the most pervasive yet weakest in the cosmos

Scientists have fine-tuned just about every equation and model to describe and predict gravity, yet its source within matter remains a complete and utter mystery.

Some think infinitesimal particles called gravitons exude the force in all matter, but whether or not they could ever be detected is questionable.

Still, a massive hunt is on for major shake-ups in the universe called gravitational waves. If detected (perhaps from a merger of black holes), Albert Einstein's concept that the universe has a "fabric" of spacetime would be on solid ground.

2. Life

E. coli bacteria. Image Credit: NIH

Matter and energy abound in the universe, but only in a few places is the roll of the cosmic dice perfect enough to result in life.

The basic ingredients and conditions necessary for this strange phenomenon are better understood than ever before, thanks to abundant access to life here on Earth.

But the exact recipe -- or recipes -- to go from the basic elements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur to an organism is a prevailing mystery.

Scientists seek out new areas in the solar system where life could have thrived (or still may, such as below the surface of watery moons), in hopes of arriving at a compelling theory for life's origins.

1. The Universe

Illustration showing the creation and expansion of the universe. Image Credit: NASA

The source of energy, matter and the universe itself is the ultimate mystery of, well, the universe.

Based on a widespread afterglow called the cosmic microwave background (and other evidence), scientists think that the cosmos formed from a "Big Bang" -- an incomprehensible expansion of energy from an ultra-hot, ultra-dense state.

Describing time before the event, however, may be impossible.

Still, atom smasher searches for particles that formed shortly after the Big Bang could shed new light on the universe's mysterious existence -- and make it a bit less strange than it is today.
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