"Drop The World"- Live At Grammy's

Bleep bleep ba bleep bleep bleep...other than half their verses that they bleeped, sick performance.

Daily Dip: Amber Heard

Alright, WTF "DaBigDirty", I honestly just checked you're blog and you have the same fuckin chick! I already wrote this entry and had it scheduled for tomorrow, so f it i'm leaving it cause mine's better anyways- huff a fatty)

Introducing Amber Heard, a 23 year old actress from the Lone Star State.  Amber is no longer a-lone-star, as she's been stealing the show in recent flicks(Zombieland, Never Back Down, Pineapple Express, Alpha Dog).  Chick's only 23 and she's already getting topless in movies!  I dig the style Amber and i'll pre-order my subscription for Playboy cause we damn well know you're intentions of moving up the red light ladder...

Use Caution in the Cubicle(UCIC): Amber Heard gets nakey in 2008 movie "Informers".  

P.S.  Brunette or Blonde?

Drizzy, Weezy, and Shady Perform "Forever" at 2010 Grammy's

King Mathers!!!!!!
Dirty performance by hip-hop's finest and Eminem once again proved he is still the MVP of the Rap Game!

I Wish I Could Rap...

Wizzy rooftop with some dips...don't really care but I want the song playing in the video.

"The Realist"- Nifty

Nifty breaking into the big leagues, keep an eye out!

Is This Dude Serious?

Is this dude serious?  Yes, I said DUDE, as in a MAN was driving! I can't say I understand this bro's style on this one.  Last time I checked, dudes in NH don't drive around in pink caddy's on route 101.  The only plausible explanation for this would be if he was gambling in Vegas and pulled a "Rusty",
"Rusty: Well, four slot machines and I won four cars. You know, I put a dollar in, I got a car. I put a dollar in, I got a car. I put a dollar in, I got a car. I put a dollar in, I got a car."
Even giving this douche the benefit of the doubt, I still wonder if this homosexual act pulls in the pink?  And if I ever won a pink car in Vegas I'd probably pawn it off to a fine ass call girl in exchange for lifetime ZJ's in a penthouse suite at the Wynn.

What's the verdict freshies? On a scale of 1 to this dude should be castrated, should this dude be castrated?

DeSean Jackson "Jerks" During 2010 NFL Pro Bowl

Let it be know that I do not know what these crazy kids are up to these days but Desean Jackson decided to pull out the dance move, "The Jerk" during a touchdown celebration in the NFL Pro Bowl.

For those of you who don't know what "The Jerk" is, I have decided to post the music video that started it all by the "New Boyz" called, "You're a Jerk."

Soccer Players keep getting Younger

During the African Cup of Nation final, Egypt got the victory over Ghana by the score of 1-0.

However, this above clip of a Ghana reserve sucking on a pacifier is just a little off the wall, even for this site.

Clearly, Maggie Simpson might have something to say about it.

(Courtest of Off the Post)

Someone get me a damn JACK CHOP!!!!

Here's a spoof made to the hit infomercial "Slap Chop" by some local Masshole. A targeted pitch to anyone with pumpkin carving problems. Not sure how people outside of Boston take this, but for every Bostonian, this is a must watch... especially for those who want to be "the baddest dude in REVERE".

Saturn--it is timing, baby!

Saturn and his Greek cousin God Cronus are the gods of Time, Timing and Time Management (Thus, the word Chronology.) Uranus is the planet of weird and strange and for the last year we have been in a ping pong war with Saturn and Uranus in opposition. During this time we certainly had some of the weirdest things come up that almost defy all logic. For example, Ted Kennedy the senator known for championing health care dies during this opposition. Naturally, his Senate seat opens up. At this same time, The Obama Administration puts all guns on Health Care. Kennedy's seat goes to a special election and the liberal 'shoe in' loses to a little known republican candidate Scott Brown. As we know, he wins, the Senate changes its numbers and the Health Care Bill is Morte. Or close to it.

That, my friends is weird.

We have had so many of these types of stories since the opposition began last year and we will continue to have odd, unexplainable even when you are explaining them events while this opposition builds. The next exact date is April 26 but the influence is like a fog bank. We're always feelingn it.

This week while Saturn squared Pluto I could not help but notice something so odd it reminded me of our weirdo time window.

Machu Pichu the NY,NY of ancient Incas is kind of over--at least for awhile. Over two thousand tourists who were crawling around the ruins were trapped by raging waters and had to be rescued by Peruvian army helicopters. The area is so destroyed by raging Earth that Machu Pichu will remain cloistered for perhaps a very long time. Curiously, this week on PBS Nova will be airing Ghosts of Machu Pichu

Be prepared to see more strange, weird things in the news and NOTE the timing.

Rex Ryan being Rex Ryan

Last night, New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan attended Herschel Walker's MMA event along with some other NFL Pro Bowlers.

The peeps over at Showtime decided to interview Ryan and decided to poke a little fun at Miami Dolphin fans in attendance.

(Courtesy of Gang Green Nation)

Herschel Walker gets first MMA win over Greg Nagy

Now, I am not going to start calling myself an MMA fan but when former NFL player Herschel Walker starts beating fools, I might have to start paying more attention.

Walker made his first MMA appearance last night where he faced off against Greg Nagy and won in three rounds. To be honest, did anyone think that Herschel Walker, would tap out?

For those of you who wanted the entire fight, here it is:

Make decisions without your television


Tämä viikko on mennyt ainakin osaksi ihan mukavissa merkeissä. :)
Vaikka minulla on vielä viikko työssäoppimista jäljellä Cittarin pukeutumispuolella, perjantaina oli arviointi, koska ensiviikolla ohjaajani ei ole paikalle. Ja voi sitä kehujen määrää! Oli melkein kiusallista kuunnella sellaista ylistystä ohjaajani suusta, ja sainkin kaikista eri arviointikohdista kolmosen, eli parhaan. :--D Itse en sentään ihan niin hyviä arvosanoja itselleni anatanut itsearvioinnissa.. Mutta kyllä kelpaa! Toivon todella että tulevaisuudessa minulla olisi yhtä ihana pomo/pomoja kuin tämänhetkinen.

Tuli myös tehtyä pari ostostä tällä viikolla, kun torstaina käväisin Seppälässä. Mukaan tarttui tämä kuvassa muodottomalta näyttävä löllömekko.
Tuota mekkoa sovittaessani äitini toi sovituskoppiin nämä seuraavat shortsit, ja ihme kyllä ne olivat ostamisen arvoiset! Hintaa oli alennuksen jälkeen vain 5 €. :) Ne ovat sellaista vähän kiiltävää ja sileää kangasta, vähän niinkuin satiinia. Yksityiskohtina niittejä.
Olin jo aiemmin viikolla bongannut tämän seuraavan laukun töissä, ja miettimisen jälkeen se oli pakko saada. Laukkuja ei voi olla liikaa, ja yleensä kannan hirveästi tavaraa mukanani, joten tämä on juuri hyvän kokoinen. Luultavasti hyvä myös koululaukkuna. Kiiltonahka=♥
Hinnaksi jäi -40% alennuksen jälkeen n. 24€.
Vuorikin on nätti.
Ostettiin myös pitkästä aikaa ihania pinkkejä Reilun kaupan ruusuja. :) Vaikkapa juhlistamaan synttäreitäni vähän myöhäisesti. :D Noita on kiva katsella arjen keskellä.
Viikonloppuni oli valitettavasti taas kerran tylsää kotona koomailua. Onneksi kuitenkin tuli lainattua kirjastosta tämä HIM-kirja, jota olenkin lueskellut. Kirja on hyvä niille jotka haluavat lisää varsinkin faktatietoja HIM:n jätkistä, mutta on se vähän tylsää luettavaa. Vilu, tiedän että luet tämän joskus, joten eikös olemassa ollutkin joku härö HIM-kirja?
Kuva otettu kirjasta.
Tätä päivää piristi onneksi se, että olin serkkujeni Katjan ja Riikan luona sen aikaa, kun vanhempamme kävivät katsomassa jonkun Havukka-Ahon ajattelijan. :D Luritettiin laulaa Sing Staria, ja höpöteltiin vaan.
Serkkutytöissä on mm. se hyvä puoli, että he ovat aina innokkaina ottamassa minusta päivänasukuvia. :--) Maran pikku apureita. ♥
Päälle pääsi heti uusi mekko. :P Tuota voi pitää myös pussimaisesti, kun kääntää tuon helman sisäänpäin.
♥ mekko, clutch & kaulakoru: Seppälä
♥ neule & rannekoru: H&M
♥ vyö: äidin vanha
♥ Reinot: Katjan
Ihan omituista, huomenna alkaa viimeinen viikko Cittarissa. Sen jälkeen onkin "enää" n. neljä kuukautta kesälomaan. Ää, kesä ja valo, tule jo! Tätä jumalatonta pakkasta tasapainottamaan kunnon hellekesä olisi tervetullut.
Wuhuu, koulun myötä palaavat päivittäiset päivän asujen miettimiset! Ei enää neliömäistä suunnilleen XXL-kokoa vastaavaa työpaitaa eikä sinistä asua. \o/

Päivän kuvat:
Äitini leipoi vähän pannaria. :---D Uskokaa tai älkää, mutta tuota edeltävässä pellillisessä oli vielä isompi pahkura, mutta en kerennyt hätiin kameran kanssa. :--(
PS. Tiistaina blogini täyttää kaksi vuotta! Harmi vaan että en saanut aikaiseksi tehdä mitään arvontaa yms. :| Saa ehdottaa jotain postausideaa tiistaille, jos vaikka saisin tehtyä jonkun vähän erikoisemman postauksen. Valon olematon määrä kyllä rajoittaa postausideoita. :/


I watched the Twilight movie. It stunk so bad that I used an entire can of air freshener just to try and rid my house of the stench. Now, the story was exactly like the book--not too bad, but not very good, either. What was bad about this movie was the acting. To say the actors--especially the female lead, Kristen Stewart--aren't good, is an understatement. They make Keanu Reeves look like a Shakespearean/classical genius! (I LOVE Keanu Reeves--in the movies he's suited for. And THOSE are a bit few and far between.) Between the lack of acting skills and the 'longing, lovesick' looks--which were pathetic and looked more like the actors were about to hurl--that were supposed to BE acting, this movie has no right to be shown anywhere but on Mystery Science Theater. I would pay good money to see Mike, Tom Servo, and Crow completely and totally eviscerate this movie. Hmm, could it be so bad that it is actually good? Nah--teeny boppers wouldn't be interested if that was the case.

Remembering Sean Taylor's Pro Bowl Hit on Brian Moorman

Tomorrow is the 2010 NFL Pro Bowl or what most people like to call, "a bonafide snooze-fest featuring Chad OchoCinco".

However, there is still one singular moment from Pro Bowl History and that is former Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor provided the hit that shook Hawaii.

Way back in 2007, Taylor was selected as an alternate for the NFC safety slot and got the start when then Eagles safety Brian Dawkins chose not to play due to injury.

Early on in the game, Colts receiver Reggie Wayne decided to duck out of Sean Taylor's way when trying to go after a pass. I think that ended up being a good decision on his part.

Later in the 3rd quarter, Buffalo Bills punter Brian Moorman decided to try and get the first down on a fake punt run.

Then this happened......

Man, that was nasty. The added benefit was hearing the NHK commentators from Japan call of the play and the collective groan of pain from the CBS announcing team of Greg Gumbel, Dan Dierdorf and Phil Simms when the hit happened. It's rare to hear a collective groan and "ohhh!" from a crowd and Sean Taylor got that. Gumble's line going to break was a classic line, "Whether it was decision or not, guess what, it was a bad choice."

When most players treated the Pro Bowl like a day to soak in the sun, Sean Taylor didn't stop playing his hardest. That was honestly the last moment that most of us remember Sean Taylor for. Taylor was killed in November 2007 when he shot as his home.

R.I.P Sean, we still can't forget this hit.

Barack Obama does Play by Play of Duke-Georgetown

For those of you who decided to watch the snoozefest that was the Duke-Georgetown affair, the one positive was that you got to see United States president Barack Obama work his play by play pipes.

CBS announcers Verne Lundquist and Clark Kellogg gave the normal "meet and greet interview" but Obama defintely made this clip memorable.

Clearly, the best part of the clip comes near the 4:00 mark when Obama tells analyst Clark Kellogg that me might take his job in "three to seven years."

Hilarious, "Your On Watch, Clark Kellogg!"

(Courtesy of Buster Sports)

Earl Boykins is CLUTCH!

Quick, which current Washington Wizard do you want taking the last shot in a game?

Well, if your answer was diminiutive guard Earl Boykins, you were right on the nose this time.

Only problem was that the Nets didn't know it.

"Elbow to The Face" by Mike Green

Washington Capitals defensivemen Mike Green is one of those players willing to mix it up with anyone.

Well, when the Capitals took on the Florida Panthers, he decided to lay an elbow to Florida Panther Michael Frolik.

Green after the game was suspended for three games for this elbow. For those of you wanting that in a monetary value, it will cost Green up to $81,000.

(Courtesy of Puck Daddy)

Fantasy Drafthelp: Hoops Buy Low and Sell High

^ LaMarcus Aldridge: Health has been an issue, but he should be OK down the stretch and he (again this year) doesn’t have to share point or rebound production with Greg Oden.
^ Devin Harris: A friend of ours in the New York media says that he has checked out mentally with the historically awful performance of the Nets. However, that is nothing that a trade won’t fix and rumors are flying. Pay close attention to them.
^ Dwight Howard: His point production is suffering due to opportunities – such as importing noted ball hog Vince Carter. The team cannot make it far in the playoffs with a marginalized franchised player – and they know it and will look to be correcting it.
^ Al Jefferson: This year has been an unexpected setback for AlJeff, but he’s getting closer to 100% on his surgically repaired knee. That’s bad news for the rest of the league.
^ Richard Jefferson: He’s sharing the ball with some other vaunted scorers in San Antone, but (temporarily) there’s one less in the mix. As Tony Parker recovers from his ankle issue, Jefferson will get the chance he needs to recover his offensive traction.
^ Kevin Martin: See Tyreke Evans – as his inevitable regression to the mean looms, Martin will get the chance to push his scoring average closer to 25.

^ Tyreke Evans: Any rookie, no matter how great, is in danger of hitting the vaunted “wall” when they push way past the number of games they’ve ever played before. Let history be your guide.
^ Allen Iverson: Philadelphia is quite frankly certifiably insane to take developmental time away from their young players in order to simply put some meat in the seats. Betting on this immense stupidity continuing throughout the course of the year is a risky proposition.
^ Brandon Jennings: See Tyreke Evans.
^ Chris Kaman: Can he sustain this level of play over a full season? He never has before.
^ Steve Nash: The point production is a tremendous surprise, but not really in line with his career trajectory or advanced mileage. Continue to bet on it at your peril.
^ Gerald Wallace: He’s always been a very good rebounder for not being a 4, but now he’s pushing into double-digits. That level is unrealistic.

Fantasy Drafthelp: Hockey Buy Low and Sell High

^ Brad Boyes: A recent 14-game goal drought drastically suppressed the value of one of the game’s best young scorers. That’s over, not least of which due to some line shifting, and better days are ahead.
^ Nicklas Lidstrom: Great numbers for anybody else are still mediocre tallies for the greatest defenseman of our generation. As his injury-crippled team heals, so will his numbers as the skill level of his teammates increases dramatically.
^ Chris Osgood: Over the past two years, his regular season and playoff performances have diverged as greatly as anyone in the history of the game. The Wings know they will need the iceman who shockingly helped carry them last spring once they hit this year’s playoffs. Thus, his opportunities will increase down the stretch as he nears the conference quarterfinals.
^ Mike Richards: He’s getting horrible ink in Philly and his game is in the dumper. Good for you if you’re looking to acquire him, as it would probably take circumstances this dire to make him available. Swoop in, ride out the storm and then benefit when things get better, probably after the long Olympic break.
^ Bobby Ryan: The lack of a signature on a proposed contract extension has been a bit of a distraction, but he’s shown way too much talent at an early age not to have his numbers pop up soon.
^ Henrik Zetterberg: Along with Pavel Datsyuk, he will benefit enormously from getting his legions of injured teammates back and forcing defenses to play him more honestly.

^ Craig Anderson: He’s been seeing a ton of work, he just posted his fifth shutout as part of a gaudy streak and his numbers are as good as they are going to get. Take your profit now.
^ Loui Eriksson: Vast improvement can happen from one year to the next with a young player – just realize that what you’ve seen so far is about as good as it’s going to end with him at the end.
^ Jimmy Howard: See Chris Osgood – as Ozzy inevitably sees more action, Howard will have to see less.
^ Duncan Keith: He’s a leading Norris Trophy candidate and undeniably one of the reasons that Chicago has had the huge year that it has had. Just realize that he’s very unlikely to be able to continue to build on what he’s done thus far and that he is tasty trade bait.
^ Daniel and Henrik Sedin: Everyone knows how great the Sedins are – and that is not the point. But if you expect them to continue on a Crosby/Ovechkin pace on a per-game basis, you may be disappointed. You can probably really clean up for either of them.

worlds colliding (in the surf)

NB: The image isn't mine but I have chosen one that gives you the size. Our break is also a right not a left.

The praying must have worked because we got some decent swell and offshore winds. It wasn't even that crowded which was surprising given the recent 'drought'.

As usual I chose a spot just off the main break and waited for the sets that would swing further around the point and therefore wide. It was pretty chaotic because some bigger closeouts were coming through and I was wearing a few of them because of my position. But I was also getting a lot of short rides before they closed down, more than most people who were competing on the main break anyway.

So I was doing OK until some young dude came hurtling down the face of a wave straight at me. I stayed where I was because he was a better surfer and quite capable of avoiding me. He really should have pulled out because we were on a collision course and that would have been the etiquette. But being on a good wave he wasn't going to give up, he pushed his luck, and my head, a bit too far.

Because of the size of the wave and my position, the full weight of his 6 ft teenage body and board came down on the back of my head. I actually felt a bit dizzy. Luckily though, I was wearing my Gath helmet. We ended up in a tangle of arms, legs and leg ropes which always makes me nervous because being entangled like that has implications for drowning. I surfaced before him and saw his arm extended upward, the usual precaution against getting whacked with a flying board. Instinctually I grabbed his arm and pulled him up, thinking he may also have got a serious hit on the head. We were face to face, nothing else to do but make the usual apologies and off for another wave. I did consider getting out because I was feeling a bit wierd but it was just too good so I stayed and got my best wave of the session.

The helmet has saved my head on quite a few occasions. I started wearing it after I fell on the rail of my board at Nanarup and ended up with 4 stitches in my eye socket. I originally got it for our Cocos sojourn because for the first time we were going to be surfing on reef (that's another story) I know I am the cause of some mirth out there - this 'middle-aged' woman in a red helmet. Robin wears a blue one and we make jokes about our alter-egos as Buzz Light-year and Astro-girl (that's what my family used to call me). I see teenage boys smiling at me and it's not because they are just being friendly. But the beauty of getting to this age, is that I really don't give a shit. I just quietly wonder if they will remember laughing at me when they are older surf tragics trying to get a wave and the young'uns won't let them get a look in or just mow them down.


Isn't it just being pretentious to use the term 'films' instead of just saying 'movies?' The people who say 'films' are just trying to put those of us who call them 'movies' in our place--like we aren't cool enough to be in their club, or something. Sorry, but those people are total assclowns, in my opinion.

"Better Than You"- Sam Adams(Wiz)

Another fresh track from Sam Adams...just like Angelina from the Jersey Shore, Wiz "does great things".

*NEW* "Brand New"- Sam Adams(Wiz)

Latest joint from Sam Adams and it's one of his best. Kids blowing up quick with 7 more tracks being released via itunes within the next few weeks and his debut album with a scheduled July 4th release!

Not Always Right

This is why I could NEVER work with the public:

(A very elderly female customer walks up to the register and hands over an empty hanger.)

Me: “Excuse me ma’am, but what exactly was on this empty hanger?”

Customer: “This!” *very elderly customer lifts up shirt to reveal bra*

Me: “Oh…oh God.”

(via Not Always Right)

Dog on train

I have no astrology angle for this story. I just could not resist putting it up. Dogs in Russia have taught themselves how to ride the rails. Amazing. My guess? They are all Sages.

'Up Out My Face' Music Video- Mariah Carey ft. Nicki Minaj

This video is absolutely ridiculous. For a second I thought it was going to climax with them dry humping the shit out of each other, but instead they just cheers a glass of bubbly wearing one of their many skanky mcskank halloween costumes.

Hardcore Parkour

Shouts to baby bro on this one, kid knows how to keep it fresh parkour style!

"Nosy Neighbour"- Akon ft. David Guetta

Konvict Musikkkkkkkkkk!!!!

*New* Sam Adams(Wiz)- "You Girl"

Here's a fairly new joint by Sam Adams(Wiz)...don't believe it's one of the new one's we've been hearing about, but new to my ears so i'll share it with ya'll.

Brian Scalaguido Agrees to Spray Tan

"NBA All-Star Weekend is two weeks away but the hearts and minds of Boston Celtics fans will not be in Dallas but rather on a major event happen the week after.

Afte All-Star weekend Celtics forward Brian Scalabrine will be making good on a bet by getting a spray tan.

The tan came about as part of Scalabrine’s weekly Wednesday appearance on the 
“Toucher and Rich” morning show on 98.5 The Sports Hub.  They wagered that if they could get Scalabrine 250,000 votes then he would agree to get a spray-on tan.

With the bet agreed upon, Toucher and Rich launched the “get that man a tan” campaign.  There were issues in the voting process as it was discovered that the write in votes may not be getting counted.  The show investigated but was never pleased with the outcome.

Last Thursday, January 21 when the All-Star votes were announced, The “King of Sports” personally wrote a letter to the “Toucher and Rich Show” apologizing for the issues with voting and announced that the grand total was 250,008 votes.

Upon hearing the results, Scalabrine agreed to officially get his tan.  After looking at the upcoming schedule, they agreed that he would be getting procedure on February 24, the day before a nationally televised Celtics/Cavilers game on TNT.

When he asked how dark the tan had to be third chair Crash Clark joked, “we’re talking Robert Downey in ‘Tropic Thunder.”
“Yea.  I guess if I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it once, do it right, do it big.” 
So here we have it guid's and guidettes, Boston's own Brian Scalabrine will be intimidating the shit out of the Cavaliers players and fans with a custom spray tan on February 24th. Scal is already ranked among the NBA's elite of ghostly intimidating figures, and with this slight pigment alteration, he clearly steals the #1 spot of most intimidatingly un-intimidating whiteys.  If you think about it, the NBA is lacking italian americans or "Guidos" per say, so this could result in an addition of an entirely new target audience, including the whole cast of the Jersey Shore.  Like always, Scal doing the "intangibles" to keep the fans happy. Exactly why he get's paid the big bucks ($3.5 milli).

Breaking: Kurt Warner Retires

As it was expected, Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner has retired from the National Football League.

Warner who was the NFL MVP in 1999/2001 and played for the St Louis Rams, New York Giants and led the Rams to a Super Bowl victory in 1999 where he won MVP.

Warner was plucked from obscurity playing Arena Football with the Iowa Barnstormers and was bagging groceries at a Hy-vee Grocery store in Cedar Falls, Iowa before joining the Rams.

Warner got his shot due to an injury to starting quarterback Trent Green in a preseason game against the Chargers. Warner became the first NFL quarterback in his first three NFL starts to throw three touchdowns in each.

During Warner's tenure with the Rams, he led them to two Super Bowls. After losing his job to Marc Bulger, Warner quarterbacked the New York Giants in 2004 to a 5-4 before Eli Manning took over.

Warner's appeared to be the flash in the pan until Arizona signed him to a one-year deal in 2005 and eventually signed him to a long-term deal. Warner eventually led the Cardinals to Super Bowl 43 where they fell short against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Warner ends his playing career with 32,344 yards and 208 touchdowns.

Send in the Links: (1/29/10)

Emily Procter, She heats up CSI Miami...(Put on Sunglasses)...YEAAHHHHHHHHH!

-> Should Kalin Lucas be suspended for this? (Detroit4Lyfe)
-> Steroid dealer linked to Mike Vick? RUTROW! (Second String Fullback)
-> The Tragedy that is the Chicago Bears coaching search (Not Qualified to Comment)
-> Why didn't I attend Arizona State? (Unathletic Magazine)
-> Partying with Patrick Kane (Tremendous Upside Potential)

Today's Moment of Zen: Those Orlando Magic Throwbacks are so confusing!

(Courtesy of That NBA Lottery Pick)

Johan Hedberg's, "Turtle Save"

During last night's affair between the Atlanta Thrashers and the Philadelphia Flyers, Thrashers goalie Johan Hedberg made a rather interesting save in the third period.

Hedberg charged after a puck and prevented a shot from left-winger Simon Gagne but had the unfortunate instance of losing his mask and having his head stuck in his jersey.

I have to say, Donatello would be impressed.

(Courtesy of The blog)

Hedo Turkoglu Post Game Interview Glory, "Ball"

Raptors forward Hedo Turkoglu had a rather interesting postgame game following the Raptors win over the New York Knicks.

TSN color analyst Jack Armstrong asked Hedo regarding how things were different in regards to setting the tone for the game.

Then Hedo gave us a NBA meme for the century by responding with one simple word, "Ball".

(Courtesy of That NBA Lottery Pick)

Headbutting for Dummies by Faouzi Chaouchi

During a match in the African Cup of Nations between Algeria and Egypt, Algeria goalkeeper Faouzi Chaouchi was irritated at a call made by the official on a penalty kick.

Chaouchi got so mad that he slightly head-butted a referee. He received the yellow card for the offense and eventually ejected for receiving a second yellow card later in the match.

Eh, Zidane did it better.

Saturn Square Pluto - Part 2

Round 2: Saturn VS Pluto

January 31 4:27 PM EST

Well, we all know (since I go on and on about it) that since November (11/15) we have had tension between Saturn and Pluto. We had the first round in November the second is coming up and the third is in August. The thing is these guys travel with tough armament. Sledgehammers, bombs, scalpels, TNT, wrecking balls ---do these sound like puppies and flowers? Nope. It is a tough aspect and round two is Sunday (1/31). Of course, with the outer planets it does not mean it all happens on that day, in truth we have been feeling it all month(cough, cough, Haiti, Supreme Court, cough, cough) but god knows this weekend with the big ass full Moon adds to the tension. Sigh.

How we relate (Libra) is pushed and pulled by our need to evolve (Pluto) and we must build new structures (Saturn) for the greater world (Capricorn). What does that mean? Have you seen sledgehammers and wrecking balls in your relationships? How do your relationships work? Are you the strong one? Are you the weak one? Are you the funny one? Are you the great follower? Are you the leader? Whatever you are doing may or may not be working for you.

There is no doubt that a lot of the tension will be centered on money. One of my favorite lyrics of all time reminds me of Pluto in Capricorn, “I’ve got my mind on my money and my money on my mind.” When money is crunched and life gets twisted --what does it do to your relationships? How are you surviving? Less is more, right? If not, then you may have trouble on your hands. And this is ALL relationships. Not just spouses. Anyone you relate with is in the mix. You may scratch your head and say, “is this working?” I don’t care if you are alone and no wife or husband but you suddenly realize that your relationship with your dry cleaners is not suiting you. Or your relationship with your boss or your co-worker. All relationships are being scrutinized and if Pluto does not see the value----well, like I said, that relationship might not be there by the end of summer. Or perhaps you will be the one who makes the big changes and the relationship is stronger for it. It is hard to tell and that is probably why we are getting a few rounds of this aspect so that we have some time to figure stuff out.

FWIW, I think it is interesting that the World Economic Summit which is basically a BigMoney Big Shot convention is taking place in Davos, Switzerland this weekend. There is talk that they are going to step up and try to help Greece from going bankrupt. Can they do it? And at what cost? I feel sledghammers are flying through the air. Anyone remember that Ridley Scott Commercial ala 2001?

Daily Dip: Leighton Meester

Introducing Leighton Meester, our 23 year old Actress, Singer/Songwriter, & Fashion Model who, apparently if you're a chick, is best known for her role in Gossip Girl.  Meester played 'Justine Chapin' in several episodes of Entourage, one of Vince's many dick ticklers, even while she was traveling the country on her "Virgin Tour".  Let me tell you first hand this chick is hard to find dirt on.  Her title of 'Fashion Model' puts a clear emphasis on the Fashion part, cause she apparently resists the temptation of dumping them out upon request.  Dig through the google vault if you so please, if not enjoy the "work healthy" pics above.   

Valkoisia makeanvedenhelmiä & Balin hopeaa

Ai, että! Minä oon niin koukussa valkoisiin mvhelmiin, aina on sormet hamuamassa niitä :)



Leo Full Moon

Full Moon
10 Degrees Leo 14

Friday January 30 - 1:18am

When the Moon is in Leo we are full of ourselves, we feel prideful, we feel our hearts swell, we are generous, we are magnanimous, we exaggerate (maybe lie), we brag, we try a little harder with someone because we care so big and we personalize everything. We just are simply three letters… B-I-G. Every 28 days we get a Moon in Leo. Great.

Now what do we do when that big ol’ dramatic Moon-- is Full? If we are smart we put on our flame proof suit and get ready for action. Okay now what do we do when the Full Leo Moon has got Mars the warrior on it? And the Sun is opposite with Venus in its hip pocket? I dunno but I can tell you Mr Steroid and Ms Diva are in the house.

Are we going to be evolved and stretch ourselves to go for our passion (Mars) and let our sincere (Leo) feelings (Moon) guide us while at the same time include community (Aquarius) and goals (sun) and love (Venus)?
Sounds great. Sign me up.
But at the same time when it comes to this full moon we could also feel stretched and tense (full ), argumentative (Mars) demanding, wanting, everything to change (Sun in Aquarius) and feeling unsure (Moon) of our resources (Venus).
I have a hard time getting my head around that this will be one of our garden variety Full Moon weekends. I gotta think there will be fireworks somewhere on Friday leaving a big mess for the weekend.

And it doesn’t help that the Saturn Squares Pluto on Sunday the 31st.
Thank God Saturn trines the Sun so won’t completely fall apart. Somewhere in the messy weekend we find a Spine and perhaps reign in the crazy.
Or maybe we hide in our chiropractor’s office.

ETA: Btw---the reason why this moon is So Damn due to its closest proximity to Earth. The closest this year. How perfectly Leo.

"I Made It"- Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil Wayne, Jay Sean, & Birdman

Songs a few weeks removed from the freshest biz I know, but it deserves to be posted now because it is the hottest Cash Money Heroes songs of the decade+some.
"See I don't live for glamour, I don't care for game, I'm in it for the love of the game"-Jay Sean
Download Link (you're iTunes will have withdrawals if you don't feed it this meatball)
I Made It 

"Gangsta's Glory"- Bone Thugs N' Harmony

Old school feel to the hook with a dub of Eazy-E. Bone boys keepin' it fresh2death like always.
Download Link:

"Tik Tok Remix"- Ke$ha ft. Lil Wayne & LMFAO

Dammmmmn this shit is on fire! No homo--> I didn't think the original could get any better, but any time you add Weezy on the track, you're bound to have a fist pumping gem.
Download Link:

Two Terrence Williams Dunks

The New Jersey Nets collected their 4th win of the season and one of the major reasons was the play of rookie Terrence Williams.

Watch his two high-flying dunks against the Clip Show.

Man, I think I got air sickness from them.

(Courtesy of GettingBangedOn)

Mark McGwire, Drug Fiend

Our friends over at Global Sports Fratenity are at again with another fantastic comedy video.

In this clip, we find out the real reason why Mark McGwire returned to the St Louis Cardinals as their hitting coach.

One Word: Drugs!

"More"- Usher (ba ba blaaaazin RnB)

Usher droppin' it like it's hotter than the Magics in this 4th quarter of basketball I am currently witnessing...C'MON CELTICS!!..that was my attempt at a segway into the fact that this is the NBA on TNT's anthem.
Download Link:

"Comin' Up"- Sam Adams(Wiz) Live at Harpers Ferry

Diiiiiit!!! This is one of Wiz's newest joints expected to be released sometime in the near future. Hard to hear, but I can already tell the hook is catchy as hell!

"Solo"- Iyaz

"Solo's the new melody in my heaaaad, that i cant keep out, got me singin' like naaaa naaaa naaaa naaaaa eveerrryyyyydayyyy, this songs already stuck on replayyyyy!"
Here ya are, Iyaz leaking out another catchy as phuck song as he emerges as a radio killer with his second club banger right here.  Akon+Sean Kingston=Iyaz
Download Link:
Solo- Iyaz

Vincent LeCavalier's "Between The Legs" Goal

Tampa Bay Lighting's Vincent LeCavalier is one of the most agile goal scorers in the National Hockey League.

This highlight of this "between-the-legs" goal against the Montreal Canadiens might give you a good basis to judge that fact.

(Courtesy of Kuklas Hockey)

Derrick Rose Crosses Thabo Sefalosha

Chicago Bulls point guard Derrick Rose was name to his first all-star game today and the above highlight might show one of the reasons why he was selected.

In last night's game against the Thunder, Rose pulled-out this killer crossover and circus finish.

Bad Timing, Shawn Springs

New England Patriots cornerback Shawn Springs was on ESPN First Take to discuss Super Bowl 44.

ESPN's Reischea Canidate asked him a question regarding which team's offense that you would least like to face. Then Sean mentioned something about a hurricane coming through the day of the game to prevent it from starting.

Umm..maybe he should have rethought that analogy.

(Courtesy of SportsByBrooks)

Tim Hasselbeck's Day of Reckoning, Co-Hosts "The View"

I'm going to assume that most of my readers here at OTB probably do not watch, "The View".

Well, this was the day Tim Hasselbeck circled on his calendar as part of his much-hyped job-swap with his wife, Elisabeth. Elisabeth did an episode of NFL Live last week and this week, Tim got to do what every man in televison wants to do, co-host "The View".

In the following clips, you will get to see Tim talk about football injuries, the State of the Union address, and the exit interview conducted with him and his wife.

By judging the exit interview, he will probably never come back, so enjoy these clips.


The phone, that is. Although I wouldn't mind having EC, either. :D

Too bad this isn't an option for me--we don't have T-Mobile here. But that phone is awesomely gorgeous.


Yeah, I spoke WAY too soon the other day when I said things were going well with the computer. Yesterday when I went to boot the beast up, I got a disk error and then everything went to hell from there. (This is the first time I have booted it up since yesterday--and I'm not sure if it will boot again if I turn it off. A brand new surprise every day!) I called the tech who had been here the day before and she recommended I call Dell and tell them I want a brand new replacement for this lemon--which I did. And they are happy to accommodate me--it is only going to take 2-3 weeks for it to happen! Oh, well. Hopefully the new one will work right out of the box and I won't need to deal with tech support--I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I don't really know where I can put the blame on this entire matter. I want to be mad at Dell, but they have been good about this whole mess. Unfortunately, when you make millions of computers, there will be some duds--this happens in ALL manufacturing. I want to be mad at Microsoft, but I'm not too sure there is an issue here at all with the OS. I want to be mad at FedEx and the possibility that the computer was handled too roughly, but I can't be sure of THAT, either. I still think the entire problem with this particular computer and all computers/software/etc can be laid at the feet of all of us. Consumers want the best, brightest, fastest, most powerful computer/software/peripheral/etc, and they want it NOW!!! THAT is why programs come out and they are buggy: People won't allow the companies to perfect anything before they are released to the public. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to technology--we allow companies to put out crappy products and we make excuses for them. This has to stop, but I don't see it happening any time soon. When we, as consumers, say enough is enough, maybe we won't have all of these problems with our technology--and then we won't need the tech support centers in New Delhi. In a better world, maybe. {sigh}


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