
I really hate it when I eat something that I thought was going to be good, isn't. Then I have to look around for something else to take the taste of the first thing away. And, hopefully, the second thing tastes good, or else I have to find a THIRD thing to eat. This has the potential to turn into an eating binge.

And I really hate it when I am craving something, but don't know WHAT. This DOES turn into a binge. I eat my way through the house and, inevitably, never find what it was I was craving.

And it is no fun when I eat something 'salty' and feel the need to eat something 'sweet' right after. And 'sweet' doesn't usually do it for me--unless it happens to be a donut--so I then have to eat something 'salty' again. This can go on for hours--and has.

And it REALLY is a bitch whenever I am on a diet and KNOW what I am craving, but feel as if I can't eat it because it is not 'on program.' I wide up eating three times as many calories of 'good' food, trying to satisfy my craving, as I would have if I would have eaten the 'forbidden' food right away.

I have food issues. (And I wonder why I look like I do! :))


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