There has been so much to process over the last 5 months that I don't know where to start. So rather than attempt a full scale assault, and because there are no consclusions to be drawn, I will begin here - for the moment, Jung says it best. Here he is speaking of his own spiritual journey but speaks for me as well. (I have assumed that 'he' refers to both sexes, and anything in between):

Like the initiate of a secret society who has broken free from the undifferentiated collectivity, the individual on his lonely path needs a secret which.... he may not or cannot reveal. Such a secret reinforces him in the isolation of his individual aims. A great many individuals cannot bear this isolation..... The need for such a secret is in many cases so compelling that the individual finds himself involved in ideas and actions for which he is no longer responsible. He is being motivated neither by caprice nor arrogance, but by a dira necessitas which he....cannot comprehend....

Thus he would find himself.... in possession of a secret that could not be discussed, and would become a deviant from the collectivity..... The man, therefore, who, driven by his daimon, steps beyond the limits of the the intermediary stage, truly enters the "untrodden, untreadable regions", where there are no charted ways and no shelter....

There is now an authentic secret in his life which cannot be discussed.... Once this happens the psyche of the individual acquires a heightened importance.... The ego becomes ambivalent and ambiguous.... It becomes aware of a polarity supraordinate to itself.

Image: author, unfinished, Untitled, oil on card
Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 345


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