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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 08:45 AM
    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


    Not possible.

    But yes, we aren't there yet. :P

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 8, 12:43 PM
    The problem with the US is out transportation system was never laid out for a good mass transit. We have massive urban sprawl and no real way solve that problem. Add in the fact that rail systems were never designed into the system so retrofitting them is will be very costly and very difficult to do.

    We have plenty of rail, and we are building more. The problem is that people don't ride it. Just as we have plenty of fuel efficient cars, and more are coming to market - but people are still buying SUVs. We [rightly] blame oil companies for being grasping and short-sighted. But consumers also bear much of the blame.

    As for the mass eletric cars I think you pass over my point about how most of them will be charged at night during off peak hours which means for the most part the grid can take a a huge number of them before we will start having a real issue.

    It still would not even begin to handle the strain generated by millions of new electric cars suddenly appearing in driveways across America. Large-scale adoption of electric cars would just make coal and oil get burned faster by power companies. Yes, power plants are more efficient than most cars in producing energy. But we are still burning fossil fuels and polluting. Also, has anyone done a study to compare the true efficiency of the best full electrics vs an efficient, equivalent diesel or gas car? For example, given an identical amount of oil, which vehicle uses it more efficiently? A diesel hatchback or an electric that gets it's juice from a power plant burning oil? I'd be curious to see the results. I'm not trying to sound skeptical - I just don't know what the comparison would reveal.

    We need something to replace the use of gas. Hybrids I will say are a great thing to bridge between our combustion engine and what ever is next. Things like the volt I think are the best examples of the bridge because we just need to replace the power generator and that is fairly easy to do compared to having to figure out some other type of engine to move the car. We have electric motors that we can advance for moving.

    GM's European arm Opel created a concept diesel series hybrid, the stupidly named Flextreme (, which promises dramatically improved fuel economy over the Volt. I just feel like any series hybrid that uses a gasoline engine is a foolishly crippled piece of technology when appropriate diesels are available and would deliver far superior fuel economy.

    Reducing our usage of fuel I would argue is a dead end tech. All it will do is delay the problem but not solve it. Hybrids bridge us to the solution.

    Reducing our fuel consumption is not a solution, but it is the first crucial step in bridging the gap between fossil fuels and whatever alternative we develop. We need time to transition, and if everyone practices conservation we buy more time to transition.

    As yet, no hybrids on the market outperform straight diesel engined cars consistently, so the hybrid concept is still very much in its infancy. I have yet to be convinced, especially with the cost and [lack of efficiency] of the battery packs. They may ultimately meet expectations, but they haven't yet.

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  • dsnort
    Aug 3, 09:08 PM
    I'm going to try to do this without all that cumbersome quoting we've been doing.

    1.Cool, we all need to laugh sometimes. And big company or individual, right is right, and wrong is wrong. It is no more ethical to trample the rights of the large than it is to run roughshod over the small. ( Because where do you draw the line between big and small, and who gets to decide?) And just in case you think I will always jump to Apples defense, I personally think they are dead wrong on the dead pixel issue. Anyone receiving a new product from a manufacturer has a right to expect it to be properly functional with no obvious defects.

    2.What? We agree on something? ( I must have my open mind meter set too high!)

    3.Disagree that iPod is a monopoly. MP3 players introduced in 1998, first download service, Napster P2P, in 1999. iPod into'd 2001. If I remember correctly currently 70% of market(?). Even the French legislature admitted that there was fierce competition in the online music business, and that the competition was effective.

    4.I believe Apples letter to the CC of Norway clarified that changes to the agreement only affected FUTURE downloads, and had no effect on files downloaded prior to the change. There is no "Ex Post Facto" effect.

    5. Ehhh, the balance of power can be a bit slippery. The maiin reason they have all the power, is because we give it to them! We vote with our dollars. Just like the main reason we have $3.00/gallon gas (US) is because we continue to go to the pump and pay $3.00 for a gallon of gas. If we would find ways to limit our usage, the price would come down. But everyone is convinced that they should be able to jump in an auto and hare off around town on the slightest pretext. The wife and I have reduced our gas bill about 40% a week just by taking the time to plan out our trips so as to accomplish as much as possible in one trip, instead of making 5 trips. (Meanwhile, my sister inlaw lives in her car, and is the loudest complainer about the price of gas you've ever heard)
    Similiarly, we have this insane argument over the terms of some service we didn't even know about 10 years ago, but have convinced ourselves we can't live without!

    6.As for the cd thing, I guess only time will which of us, if either of us, is right.

    Well, the wifes abed, need to go before she gets sleepy;)

    G'night, and look forward to hearing from you.


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  • gdew
    Jan 8, 09:32 PM
    Just to up the neurosis of this spoiler free page, I wonder if any leaks could be given on our visions periphery by the advertising?


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  • mixel
    Jan 10, 06:30 AM
    I'd like them to start putting BD in the MacPros and iMacs as standard. (BTO for mini) .. If Sony can do it (admittedly at a loss) I wish :apple: would too.

    Even less likely. Tablet Mac with multitouch *and* stylus support, when I say stylus I really mean Wacom-style touch-sensitive pen, as Apple could cater to artists really nicely that way. :)

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 6, 05:44 AM
    Not available in my country... *sigh*


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  • wlh99
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    By the way, what's with 3rd person reference? the OP? you can call me Nekbeth or Chrystian, it's a lot more polite. Maybe you guys have a way to refer to someone , I don't know.

    I appologize for that. I didn't recall your name. I was replying to KnightWRX, so I took a shorcut (original poster).

    I won't do that any further.

    I through together a simple program that I think does exactly as you want. It is a Mac version, but the different there is trival, and instead of a picker, it is a text field the user enters a time into for the timer duration. You will need to change the NSTextFields into UITextFields.

    The bulk of the code is exactly what I posted before, but I modified the EchoIt method to work with an NSDate. I implemeted it in the appDelegate, and you are using your viewController. That doesn't change the code any, and your way is more correct.

    I can email you the whole project as a zip if you want. It is about 2.5 meg. Just PM me your email address.

    // timertestAppDelegate.m
    // timertest
    // Created by Warren Holybee on 4/27/11.
    // Copyright 2011 Warren Holybee. All rights reserved.

    #import "timertestAppDelegate.h"

    @implementation timertestAppDelegate

    @synthesize window, timeTextField, elapsedTimeTextField, timeLeftTextField;

    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
    // Insert code here to initialize your application

    -(IBAction)startButton:(id) sender {
    // myTimer is declared in header file ...

    if (myTimer!=nil) { // if the pointer already points to a timer, you don't want to
    //create a second one without stoping and destroying the first

    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release];
    [startDate release];

    // Now that we know myTimer doesn't point to a timer already..

    startDate = [[NSDate date] retain]; // remember what time this timer is created and started
    // so we can calculate elapsed time later

    NSTimeInterval myTimeInterval = 0.1; // How often the timer fires.
    myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:myTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(echoIt)
    userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
    [myTimer retain];

    -(IBAction)cancelIt:(id) sender {
    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release]; // This timer is now gone, and you won't reuse it.
    myTimer = nil;

    -(void)echoIt {

    NSDate *now = [[NSDate date] retain]; // Get the current time
    NSTimeInterval elapsedTime = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate]; // compare the current time to
    [now release]; // our remembered time

    NSLog(@"Elapsed Time = %.1f",elapsedTime); // log it and display it in a textField
    [elapsedTimeTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",elapsedTime]];

    float timeValue = [timeTextField floatValue]; // timeValueTextField is where a user
    // enters the countdown length

    float timeLeft = timeValue - elapsedTime; // Calculate How much time is left.
    NSLog(@"Time Left = %.1f",timeLeft); // log it and display it
    [timeLeftTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",timeLeft]];

    if (timeLeft < 0) { // if the time is up, send "cancelIt:"
    [self cancelIt:self]; // message to ourself.



    If you like, later tonight I can show you how to do this as you first tried, by incrementing a seconds variable. Or wait for KnightWRX. My concern is accuracy of the timer. It might be off by several seconds after running an hour. That might not be an issue for your application, but you should be aware of it.

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  • cube
    Apr 21, 02:07 PM
    I think that when you vote, all the ratings in the page should be updated, to minimize people mistakenly complaining about the values changing by more than one.

    I also think the votes should be guaranteed private.


    selena gomez wallpapers latest 2011. latest wallpapers of selena gomez. selena gomez wallpapers latest; selena gomez wallpapers latest. swingerofbirch. Mar 21, 03:42 PM
  • latest wallpapers of selena gomez. selena gomez wallpapers latest; selena gomez wallpapers latest. swingerofbirch. Mar 21, 03:42 PM

  • fun173
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X

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  • Al Coholic
    Apr 8, 12:58 PM
    Oh crap. 400 fear-mongering posts in the other thread were for naught. :eek:


    Come on people, think next time. Like Apple gives a rat's ass how their retailers horde iPads when Apple themselves can't even supply them.


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  • Sun Baked
    Mar 23, 07:04 PM
    LOL, if you really feel that bad about it my PayPal address is I won't say no. :DYou'd probably only say no if some of the people expected to "borrow" your body for that $5 a pop. ;)


    Likely somebody that knew you had it and wanted it, hence the targeted break in. :(

    And since it seems like a neighbor took it, it shows that they are an idiot.

    Time to break out the video camera for evidence.

    Edit: if a kid took it, sue the parents if they do not make good on damages and return the merchandise. Should only need that video tape for a small claims case.

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  • eggstone
    Nov 24, 09:18 AM
    Nike+ armband is actually discounted by $11, not $5 as stated on page 1. this brings the price down to $18 (or $19.26 after [7%] sales tax).

    No, my browser says only $5 off, that is, $24 before tax.


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  • miles01110
    Apr 21, 10:59 AM
    What additional value does this provide?

    selena gomez wallpapers latest 2011. Latest Wallpapers Of Selena Gomez. selena gomez wallpapers latest; selena gomez wallpapers latest. Hammie. Feb 17, 01:33 PM
  • Latest Wallpapers Of Selena Gomez. selena gomez wallpapers latest; selena gomez wallpapers latest. Hammie. Feb 17, 01:33 PM

  • grahamtearne
    Sep 12, 04:34 AM
    A few people have mentioned webcasts and things streamed to London. I live in the UK, can anyone clear things up, am I going to be able to watch the event on the net live (if so, where), or will I just have to make sense of the text scrolling up the screen on this site?


    the live stream to london is for journalists only


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  • Cassie
    Jan 16, 09:07 PM
    I called it!:D

    You sure did. :)

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  • raymondkerr
    Apr 9, 11:52 AM


    selena gomez wallpapers latest 2011. Latest Wallpapers Of Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez latest hot amp; sexy; Selena Gomez latest hot amp; sexy. David Schmidt. Oct 21, 01:27 PM
  • Latest Wallpapers Of Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez latest hot amp; sexy; Selena Gomez latest hot amp; sexy. David Schmidt. Oct 21, 01:27 PM

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 24, 03:09 PM
    Great OS!

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  • PorterRocks
    Mar 24, 09:07 PM
    Happy Birthday, OS X. I've known you since 2007 when my computer running that other OS got the nastiest virus I had ever seen. (Fried the hard drive AND the power supply)

    After that happened I went to the local Apple store to check out "The Apples" as I called them at the time. I had always been told since I was a kid that "Apple computers are terrible", but I wanted to check them out. Needless to say I picked up a Mac mini that day and haven't looked back. I've since owned two macbook's, 3 iPod's, 4 iPhone's, 1 iPad and am about to pick up my second Mac mini.

    I couldn't be happier. :apple: fan for life!

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  • Forever
    Sep 12, 07:51 AM
    What time does it start GMT?

    Oct 7, 06:34 PM
    Except Verizon does that too!!!!

    About 2 months ago I paid an early termination fee and gave up my iPhone because of the dropped calls. I have a Blackberry on Verizon, and consume about 800 minutes a month (peak times, not nights and weekends) and close to 200MB of bandwidth.

    I have not had a single dropped call. I can also finally browse the web without Safari crashing all the time.

    Dec 25, 02:20 PM
    Yes they do. BUT not when it means a crap ass experience for the customer. Because that just results in returns, complaints etc. LTE right now is only in a handful of major cities and not even perfect coverage there.

    As for the whole "but android" argument, Apple doesn't do things just because everyone else does. Which is why we still don't have blu-ray in their computers despite every other computer (including even some so called netbooks) having had blu-ray drives for at least the last year. We also don't have Flash in the iphone etc despite every other smart phone having Flash and every other announced tablet saying it would.

    I don't buy the flash argument. Thats actually a pretty complicated subject...
    But I see what you mean.

    Now, can anyone please explain what the difference between 'true 4G' and LTE?
    Is LTE something else entirely? Something that bridges the CDMA and GSM technologies, allowing CDMA phones to use chips, and chip-based phones to be compatible with CDMA networks?
    I've wikipediaed the whole deal, but i don't really get it...
    It seems like there are *two* kinds of LTE as well. Is that where the difference between true 4G and fake 4G lies? One is LTE, and the other is TRUE LTE?
    And how can a carrier say it has 4G, if its not *really* 4G? is it just a glorified 3G system?

    On a different note, Christmas is here... any news on the Verizon iPhone release?

    Sry for so many questions

    toke lahti
    Jan 15, 06:22 PM
    To all of you saying Blu-Ray, do you really think Apple is going to put that in their computers if they are trying to get digital distribution to work? I just don't see it happening.
    Apple also claims to be pro choise for pro video content creation.
    Can you imagine pro video without blu-ray in 2008?
    Once again pro choise is no choise...
    Next dissapointment time will be wwdc at summer?
    Maybe they don't update xraid to make demand for TimeCapsule also ;)

    Proud Liberal
    Sep 12, 07:26 AM
    I'm in Washington D.C. (8:24am EST) and just tried going into iTMS and there's a black page, with white text, announcing "It's Showtime. The iTunes Store is being updated." Here come the movies!

    Al Coholic
    Mar 28, 02:46 PM
    The people have already voted...

    It's called the "Top Grossing" category.


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