*juanPereyra teatro&Musicalentrenamientos producciones Artísticas …integración del movimiento-danza-actuación y canto…(Performances y muestras en espacios teatrales y alternativos) Actuación - Teatro físico integral (link)* Martes de 20 a 22hs* Viernes de 20 a 22hs Entrenamiento físico fusionando elementos de las artes marciales, el contact-impro, la acrobacia y la danza. Teatro aplicado a las técnicas del CIRCO. Juegos teatrales. Improvisación. Texto teatral. Técnica Vocal. Composición...

Today's Moment of Zen: New York Lottery, it could happen

In today's Moment of Zen, there are probably some instances when you have bought a lottery ticket and thought what would I do with it.Well, this commercials from the New York Lottery has a twist ending about a struggling baseball player.I hope this does not give Mark Cuban any ide...



La Casa de La Nube embrujada es un evento en el cual queremos que chicas, chicos y grandes conozcan los diversos espacios y actividades que se realizan en La Nube. El nombre del evento está inspirado en el libro La casa embrujada de Jan Pienkowsky: un libro (troquelado) que a los chicos les encanta, por las imágenes y el movimiento, y esencialmente, porque atravesado de misterio, es un juego entre lo real y el sueño. La casa embrujada es uno de los emblemáticos libros fenomenales que mostramos y relatamos en las visitas de animación a la lectura....

Share Your Treasure Maps.

I know some of you have finished your treasure maps. Great.And some of you need more time and since you can take up until Full...go for it.But it is nice on Crescent Moon to share your boards. If you can invite a friend over to see your's please consider it. Or send an image of it to a friend.And please feel free to post it here, if you wish!I would love to see them. You can do it anonymously if you wi...

Crescent Moon

How are you feeling? Things are probably a wee bit lighter now that the moon is in Gemini (3/30 9:36am EDT) but of course they can be a bit more mental. The antenna is probably up for a little bit of gossip. I know my phone hit a slippery part of the universe and was ringing off the hook as people reached out to me to talk about nothing important....

Indigenous Matters: Learn Me

My education in Indigenous matters just gets more interesting. The more I find out about the Australian Aboriginal people the more I am appalled at how much we have missed. Although I never considered them as unintelligent, like many Westerners, I once viewed their culture as 'primitive'. I am a little ashamed to discover that I have been very misguided.In...

Remembering Alonzo Mourning

One of the stories that I have been keeping my eye on is the Miami Heat honoring Alonzo Mourning by retiring his number 33. Alonzo Mourning was one of the greatest shot-blockers in NBA history. (He is currently listed as 11th all-time in NBA history in block shots with 2,356) Mourning started his collegiate career at Georgetown where he was coached by legend John Thompson. He led the nation in block-shots as a freshman and was named three times an All-American.Alonzo was drafted in the 1992 NBA draft with the second overall pick by the Charlotte...

JoJo - The platinum-selling, "JoJo" album

JoJo first album, the platinum-selling "JoJo".Followed, the platinum-selling "JoJo" album peaked at #4 on the United States Billboard 200 and #10 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums.The platinum-selling "JoJo" album selling about 107,000 copies and reaching the top 40 of the UK Albums Chart. JoJo also co-wrote 2 of the album's songs, as well as wrote...

I Love the Internet: Goal Line Blitz

So we don't normally do this, but I want to recommend this crazy addicting MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) to our readers called Goal Line Blitz. To be clear, we don't actually have any formal connection to these guys, I'm just a person who thinks it's a crazy fun game and thus wants to use the blog space to name drop it.After you create an account, the site prompts you to pick a position that your created football player will play in the game. Give him a name, pick his starting attributes, and you're off. He (or she...

Celsus on ChristianityTaking its root in the lower classes, the religion continues to spread among the vulgar: nay, one can even say it spreads because of its vulgarity and the illiteracy of its adherents. And while there are a few moderate, reasonable, and intelligent people who are inclined to interpret its beliefs allegorically, yet it thrives in its purer forms among the ignorant.True then and true today.Taken from John Dominic Crossan's Jesus, A Revolutionary Biogra...

Gotta Love a Gimmick - Phil Collins versus the Ultimate Warrior

This is one of the most absurd things I've ever seen. Used in 1990 as a skit during a Phil Collins TV special, this video has Gilbert Gottfried, Vanessa Williams and some other actor trying to come up with a gimmick. Gottfriend exclaims "Phil Collins versus the Ultimate Warrior" and what follows is pure magic.To be fair, although Collins gets destroyed, he doesn't technically lose the mat...

The NBA: Where Fan Sniping Happens

The NBA finals are still two months off, and I wouldn't bet on a Lakers-Celtics rematch with the way the Cavs have been playing, but everyday is an opportunity for Lakers and Celtics fans to take shots at each other. When we're lucky, these shots take creative turns, and today we're lucky. In response to a Lakers fan's Paul Pierce parody, a Celts fan got up a Sasha Vujacic parody. Cheers.(courtesy of Skeets' twitter accou...

Epochrypha: Era-ta

Since I'm on an off week for Epochrypha, and seeing as my soupe du jour or, rather, soupe de la saison (i.e. the NBA) isn't top news right now, I figured it'd be a good time serve up the first helping of Era-ta, which will taste pretty much like the bi-weekly but be a little less meaty (cf. clam chowder vs. corn chowder). For now, Great Sports Names,...

Makumatka suolaisten pannareitten maailmaan: jauhelihatäytteinen pannari.

Mä niin tykkään näistä vasta äskettäin löytämistäni suolasista pannareista, näitä lisääää !Jälleen uuden sellaisen bongattuani, tällä kertaa Ojoistenmutka -blogista, päätin kokeilla kun näytti ja kuulosti nniiiin hyvältä.Hieman tein ohjeeseen omia muutoksia, mm. jätin ruokakerman täytteestä pois.Oli todella herkullista ja hyvää, suurkiitos ihanasta...

Today's Moment of Zen: Guitar Hero, NCAA Coaches Edition

In today's Moment of Zen, the final four of the NCAA tournament has already been set. However Guitar Hero: Metallica has decided to use NCAA basketball coaching legends: Bob Knight, Roy Williams, Coach K, and Rick Pitino in their latest commercial.I actually think it is a pretty good commercial especially with the ending with Bob Knight. However I have some sinking feeling that Heidi Klum's was better. "Auf Wiedersehen, Mr. Knight." (Courtesy of Awful Announcing, check there for bonus outakes for the NCAA o...

Nashville at Detroit

Did anyone else notice this? After Mark Erat got injured, the begining of the second period they talk about these three players. The only problem withthat is Wade Belak Looks like Matthew Schnieder! Look to the last one on the right "Wade Belak"?This is what Wade Belak looks like below. Nothing like Matthew Schnieder believe me. This is a photo...

NHL's Hits,Goals, and Saves of Week 3-24-2009

Hits of the Week3 minutes 16 secondsGoals of the Week5 minutes 50 secondsSaves of the Week4 minutes 24 seco...

A Post-Op Tweet-end In The Life Of Lance Armstrong

Tweet: About to head in. See y'all in a few. Livestrong. Image Credit: Lance Armstrong via TwitPic accountA Post-Op Tweet-end In The Life Of Lance ArmstrongA Tweet-end is a weekend of journal entries (called "Tweets") on Twitter at 140 characters (or less) at a time.As Lance Armstrong lives his life, he keeps those who are interested in checking in,...

Moon In Taurus--Make it work for your Treasure Map

Yesterday, the moon entered Taurus (6:09am EDT March 28). Phew! I felt the energy shift in my house. Yes, we are all lippy and cheeky with one another but then what do you expect during the Aries cycle? But there has been a shift of energy---a "Let's get shit done." Or, if you will, "I'm done talking about it so let's get it done!" If you have...

Kysymyspostaus part 2

Voisitko kuvitella itsesi plastiikkakirurgina?Siis what? XD No en..Pidätkö juoksemisesta?Kuten tuossa pari postausta sitten sanoinkin, niin vihaan liikuntaa ja erityisesti juoksemista sydämeni pohjasta, voiko olla mitään kamalampaa? ;__;Kävelystä?Hyvässä seurassa tämä voi ollakin ihan ok, mutta ei pliis mitään 15km matkoja, jalatkaan ei kestä.Hölkkäämisestä?Sama...

Scottie Reynolds dashes the hopes of another "All Chalk" bracket

Remember that below post about the past couple days of the boredom of March Madness. Well, finally we got a solid taste of it with the Villanova Wildcats upsetting the Pittsburgh Panthers on a shot by guard Scottie Reynolds, 78-76.I guess you really cannot call it an upset since they beat Pittsburgh by ten in the regular season. (I still have a bone to pick with the selection commitee over Pittsburgh getting a number one seed.) Also, I still cannot figure out how Reynolds could pretty much go uncontested to the basket but that is just a testament...

Today's Moment of Zen: Finally, March Madness is exciting

In today's Moment of Zen, the last two nights of the NCAA Divison one tournament was rather boring with three blowouts and Michigan State stealing one against the defending champion Kansas Jayhawks.However, the Divison II championship put some excitement back into March with a buzzer beating three pointer by Findlay to win by the score of 56-53 in overtime.Findlay went 36-0 on the year with the victory. I guess you can be perfect in college basketball after all. Well, if you are in division two at least.(Courtesy of Awful Announci...


Ehkä jotain söpöintä ikinä: joku oli ajautunu mun blogiin kun oli laittanu Googleen hakusanaks MAAILMAN parhain pokemon kortti!! Siis voiko enää mitään söpömpää olla?! 8---D Tää pelasti mun illan. I love Feedjit ja sitä joka tänne eksy tuolla hakusanalla. ♥PS. Kai olet muistanut sammuttaa valot välillä 20.30-21.30 Earth Hourin tak...

Kysymyspostaus part 1

Kauanko olet kasvattanut hiuksiasi?Ennen seiskaluokkaa (nyt oon kauppiksessa ykkösellä) leikkautin mun pitkät hiukset olkapäille kerrostetusti, ja siitä asti näistä on sitten aina vaan latvoja leikattu & enemmän kerrostetusti.Lempikauppasi? Miksi?Oon ihan tylsä ja vastaan H&M, koska sieltä tulee eniten ostettua vaatteita. :/ Ja koska mun kotikaupunki...

Islanders at Detroit Red Wings 3-27-2009

So far the Islanders seem pretty confident with their defense. 2-0 in the third period.Pulled Osgood with little over a minute left giving me a heart attack from then on.They especially liked winning against the Red Wings but we hardly ever see the Islanders? which makes it hard to judge how good of a team they really are.Yes I admit... I watch mostly my home team but with over 80 games its hard to keep track of other teams.Just unlucky, the puck wasn't going in for the Red Wings this time but it certainly hit the post enough.(Why that is not...

Gotta Love a Gimmick - WCW Meets...Robocop?

Yeah, it makes about as much sense to me as it does to you. But in another 90's ratings prayer, WCW hyped the arrival of Robocop at a Pay per View Event. He shows up, walks down the ramp to "rescue" Sting from a "steel" cage by "tearing" the door off, and then walks away with Sting. And then never appeared again. Okayyyy...

Nothing Much

I haven't been posting lately simply because not much has been happening. As I have said so many times in the past, my life is NOT exciting at all. But, I will do a bit of rambling, so here goes.----------We are leaving in the morning for a road trip. Just one of our usual overnighters to shop and have dinner with friends. Even though we just got...

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