A Post-Op Tweet-end In The Life Of Lance Armstrong
A Tweet-end is a weekend of journal entries (called "Tweets") on Twitter at 140 characters (or less) at a time.
As Lance Armstrong lives his life, he keeps those who are interested in checking in, a view of a slice in the life of an American sports legend and healthcare advocate. Through "Tweets" on Twitter and the posting of photos at TwitPic, his 447,774 followers at Twitter view some of what is going on with Lance as he prepares for his participation in this summer's Tour de France ... this portal becomes a virtual community of observers.
Tweet: A short video message from me to you all.
Exclusive Post-Op Interview with Lance --Lance talks to LIVESTRONG.COM members about his injury and surgery.
Lance Armstrong spends his first weekend in recovery from the spill he suffered in Spain in a warm-up race leading up to the Tour de France. By any measure, Lance is taking it all in stride, one day at a time.

LanceArmstrong Twitter Feed:
Heading to my son's Pinewood Derby. Big day for the Lukestrong car!
The "LukeStrong" car qualified 2nd. On to the finals tonight!!

LukeStrong car finishing strong!
LukeStrong did great. Finished 3rd (for all classes). Had the fastest run of the day too. Got beat by 2 others on avg times. So proud of him
Comment from fan at TwitPic:
Luke Armstrong in yellow crossing the line 1st! Like father like son. Great stuff....Go Luke!
Communication and community have become virtually strange, yet enjoyable here in the technology world riding on this Oblate Spheroid!