Not Much Going On

I have really felt out of it since this weekend. I just feel tired and not wanting to do anything. Don't know why--I guess I just get emotionally exhausted whenever I have to be within 20 miles of The Family.

I dropped off the gift at the shower on Saturday and got the reception I expected. Not even going to get into it. I have to admit, though, that I came away with a great feeling of jealousy--the gifts on the table for The Niece were more and bigger than A got for her wedding gifts. A got enough Tupperware to choke a horse and I doubt The Niece got one piece of Tupperware--the boxes were WAY too big. Oh, well, A didn't do things the proper way: she lived with her husband before getting married, he doesn't have a "fantastic" job, she doesn't have a "fantastic" job, she wasn't given an "outrageously expensive" engagement ring, her and her husband didn't build a "fabulous" home, and she didn't get married in The Parent's church. The Niece did it all the correct way, so, I guess, she is being rewarded. Enough of that.

Looks like K and I will be taking a trip to St. Paul, MN next week--this is where A and her husband live. I have never been there, so it will be fun. K wanted to get there before we go back for the concert next month--he said it would be a good idea to at least know WHERE we are going! There is an outlet mall--yes, I WILL shop--about 45 minutes from A's house, so I can't wait. K wants to do some school shopping for the grandkids.

Got to see all of the progress C and her husband have done on the house--I can't believe how much better it looks. They should be completely moved in within the next day or two. We helped out a bit on Saturday and K went back again on Sunday. We have given them so much stuff from our house, that it is starting to look empty--and I am LOVING it! I guess we will stop now as there just isn't any more to give.

For the next few days it is supposed to be cooler--today we barely got to 70 degrees--YAY!!!! I just can't wait for fall. The cat is happy, too, because we had the windows open all day and she got a chance to sit and look outside--AND have the wind blow in her face. The rest of the week is jam-packed full of fun for me: K is on night shift, so I get the house to myself, I have to decide what day I will call and make my 60 minute appointment with my internist (yippee), and I have a hair appointment on Thursday. My heart just can't take all this excitement! Hope your week is more interesting.


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