Moving Along...Ho, Ho, Ho

Today I had to go and get the boobs squeezed. Yes, It was time for the annual mammograms. I tell you, during the month that I have my annual GYN appointment and my mammograms, I get felt up more than I do the other 11 months combined! I'm just glad to have it over with for another year.

I was out and about anyway so I decided to finish my Christmas shopping. The only person I had left to buy for was K, but he is becoming the hardest one to get gifts for. I didn't have a clue what I was going to get--I so counted on him buying 'us' a flat-panel for the living room. Then it occurred to me: he REALLY could use some place to organize his tools and I decided to get him a rolling tool chest. Yes--a stroke of genius on my part. AND it is just as much a gift to myself as it is to him--this way, maybe the basement will FINALLY get cleaned up. I can only hope. Of course, I had to have someone bring the thing to the Jimmy and load it into the back--which COMPLETELY blocked the back window. I didn't like driving like that--it just feels so unsafe. And I KNEW I couldn't get the darn thing into the house, so I decided that K had to get the gift early. As soon as he got home from work--he was called in to do 4 hours of overtime--I had him look at the tool chest and decide if he liked it or not. I was going to make him take it back himself if he didn't like it! Long story even longer: he was very pleased and it is now sitting in the basement where it belongs. I got him a couple of other little things, also, so he will still have gifts to open on Christmas Eve. Have to save SOMETHING for then!

We still have to do some grocery shopping for the weekend. It would be nice to know if the youngest and her husband were going to be here for more than one day, but I don't think I will know till tomorrow night at the earliest. We have to do a Wal Mart run, too--can't run out of toilet paper on Christmas day!

K will have to run the gifts up to the oldest one's house on Wednesday. I would like to go, but I still have some gift-giving baking to do. And if I don't go, I won't have to go to The Parent's. If K goes there and gives them money for Christmas, I can't do a thing about it--if I am with him, we will have a fight. Not a good thing at this time of year. Such is my life.

Our weather has turned colder, but it doesn't seem as if we will get much snow. Looks like we might actually have a brown Christmas. So very strange for us. It doesn't seem like Christmas without the snow.

There is a good chance I will post again before Christmas, but many of you will be too busy to get online for awhile. To those people, I want to wish a very Merry and Blessed Christmas--may it be joyous and may all your wishes be fulfilled. To those who will be back: I offer the same sentiments, but I will probably do more as it gets closer to Christmas. You just never know.


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