I Need Help

Now, before anyone makes any snide remarks about the title, I will just get going with this post. Oldest daughter turned 29 last week. (Before you try to guess my age, I have to tell you that I gave birth to her at the age of 6. It was in all the papers! :)) Anyway, she is having an age crisis--already. I told her I will be relentless in my teasing when she turns 30. (She IS okay with this teasing.) And this is where I need help from all of you. For the 30 days leading up to her birthday, I will be sending her a little gift. Each of these gifts will be something that is connected with 'old people.' So far, I have the following items on my list:

--Ben Gay
--Preparation H
--an AARP magazine
--support hose
--wrinkle cream

Please, give me suggestions! The more I have, the easier it will be for me to gather all of the items together. I am going to start my purchases ASAP--much easier than waiting till the last minute. Thanks!



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