Several years ago, my internist sent me to the allergist to be tested. I was getting sinus infections a couple of times a year and he didn't like me being on antibiotics so often. (These days, with me being on Enbrel, I definitely don't need to have infections, for sure.) Anyway, it was determined that I am allergic to dust mites. Great. As if I can keep dust away. So, I went on two different allergy meds and have had only one sinus infection in more than five years. I guess the meds work. But, that means two more medications that I take daily. So, I decided to do something about this.
Almost two months ago, I decided to quit taking my allergy pills and just continue with the nasal spray. And things have worked pretty well--until this last week. I don't know WHAT is going on outside, but I have been miserable. I wake up with a headache--which, for the most part, goes away within an hour, but still, it's a headache. But today, WOW! It's been raining all day and I am just miserable. My headache isn't going away, I'm sneezing, and my nose is running like a faucet--I think I have to go back on my pills. And I just may need to be tested again, because it seems as if my allergies have expanded. I don't have a happy.
Tissue Alert
2:36 PM