Capricorn---Old is New(s)

Ever since Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, I have stated that the focus will move away from Youth to Elders. While Pluto spent sixteen years in Peter Pan Sagittarius, "I won't grow old---even if it kills me" was the the mantra for individuals and industry. Plastic Surgeons made a car load of cash keeping everyone tight. Even TV series like "Nip&Tuck", "Sex&TheCity", "Survivor" made it clear--Youth rules. But now with Pluto in Capricorn the emphasis is moving towards seniors both their vulnerability and their value. This week especially "Being Old" has been highlighted by the Japanese disasters. I am sure all of us have heard that the reports that the population in Japan is an older demo. There are less children being born as the population ages. Additionally, in the epicenter area of Northern Japan is much older since many of the youth move to Tokyo further south. There has been a plethora of stories of elderly trying to outrun the Tsunami waves. Sadly, many were not successful but then the stories of the old man riding on a roof of a house ten miles out to sea. An old couple found on a log and then today, there was a report of an 82 year old woman outrunning the tsunami on her bicycle.

Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2023 so we have many more years to get our 'old' on. And I believe by the end of this cycle we will NOT be focused on collagen and face lifts as much as endurance and strength. And together we say, "Thank God!"


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