"I'm a dead man."

Robert Howard posts some most interesting information on one of the mysterious deaths related to the JFK assassination, Hank Killam, who allegedly committed suicide by jumping though a plate glass window, severing his jugular vein. His brother was skeptical: "You don't commit suicide by jumping through a ground floor window." Hank Killam was married to an employee of Jack Ruby.

"I'm a dead man," Killam had claimed after fear forced him to flee from Dallas where he was linked both with Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald. Threats in Tampa, Fla. where he later fled, then sent Killam hurrying home to Pensacola, and to his appointment with death. He cried in anguish to his brother Earl Killam "They're going to get me --- but I've run as far as I'm going to run."
A relative of Hank Killam, Elton Killam testified before the Assassinations Records Review Board:

Elton Killam told the Review Board that within one week of the assassination Hank Killam returned to Pensacola a very frightened man. He claimed he had special knowledge and carried around a large wallet filled with newspaper articles on the assassination. Killam had stated that he had been in New Orleans and Dallas, where the assassination had been discussed. Killam was also a frequent visitor to the New Orleans Show-Bar, and as many may know, that is where the stripper known as Jada (Janet Adams) was employed.

Killam was picked up for violation of his probation in Pensacola in December of 1963. He was in jail for approximately two weeks, but was allowed out of jail in the daytime. He spent his time in a local bar. Killam told the owner he had special knowledge of the assassination. The FBI interviewed and polygraphed him in Pensacola. And they generated memorandums about these interviews.


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