I'm Following The Crowd!

Dazd over at Dazd and Confuzed From Here posted about an experiment to see how many hits a blog could get if Harry Potter was mentioned. Because Harry Potter is a term that is searched for numerous times a day, mentioning Harry Potter should increase the hits a blog gets. So, I am following the crowd and joining in on the experiment--we'll see if this blog gets more hits just by mentioning Harry Potter.

Dazd also mentioned the possibility of getting more hits by talking about the Rosie O'Donnell/Donald Trump feud. I don't like either of those two sleaze balls, so I haven't mentioned either Rosie O'Donnell OR Donald Trump in any of my last posts. Could mentioning them bring more people to this blog? Rosie O'Donnell, Donald Trump. Rosie O'Donnell, Donald Trump. Ick--I feel so dirty now. I really need to go and bathe!


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