Okay, I know it's a bad pun, but I just had to do it! This is my official announcement: I FOUND A WII!!!!!
Yesterday, A called to tell me they got their Wii--and did the 'nanner, nanner' bit. So, while I was out shopping last night, I decided to look for one and Target actually had THREE on the shelf. I was so excited that I almost forgot to go to the grocery store--I wanted to get home so badly to set the thing up.
All I have to say is this: RUN, don't walk, to the nearest place that sells Wiis, and get one for yourself. I don't remember the last time I have had so much fun 'playing.' Basically, I buy Nintendo systems so that I can play one of the gazillion Legend of Zelda titles. I haven't even put the Zelda disc into the system yet and I'm still having more fun than I imagined. The Wii comes with Wii Sports, which includes tennis, golf, baseball, bowling, and boxing. To play these, you actually have to stand up and MOVE--just as if you were playing the real thing. I actually broke a sweat while boxing! As I told A, we don't EVER have to worry about paying the membership fee at a gym anymore--all we have to do is work out on the Wii!
Now, I will have to go and do my workout for the day! :)