Some More Rambling

I just took the pie out of the oven, the turkey is cooking, and the game won't be starting for a few minutes--during which I will take care of the rutabagas--so I thought I would do a post while I have the time.


Today I got paperwork from my doctor and it made me realize that I have my physical coming up. Unfortunately, I thought it was the second week in December, but looked at the calendar and it is next Wednesday. And I need to have lab work done. And the office isn't open on Friday. Thank goodness there will be enough time for everything to be done if I go in on Monday for the blood-letting!

I REALLY don't need the appointment to be the week after Thanksgiving--I have gained from the last time I saw him and this week isn't going to help matters. YUCK!


K and I will be having a quiet day tomorrow--just the two of us. I really don't mind not having a whole bunch of people around--it is VERY tiring. And I don't like going anywhere else because there are no leftovers at home. ;)


The running boards were installed on the Envoy yesterday and I can't tell you how THRILLED I am! When you are barely over 5 feet tall, it isn't easy to get into larger vehicles. I didn't have all that much trouble with the Jimmy because it sat closer to the ground, but the Envoy is MUCH higher. I have had to rely on the 'oh, shit' handles to get in AND out of the Envoy and it was starting to get very old. Now with the running boards, I can just step right in with no problems. YAY!!! I will have to watch getting OUT of the Envoy, though--I almost tripped on the step getting out last night. It will take some getting used to.


One of K's co-worker's daughters has just moved into her first apartment, so she needs a lot of stuff. It is SO nice to be able to hand things off to someone else--and to FINALLY get some of this crap out of my house! C would have the room, but not the need, for some of the stuff we have and A might have the need, but not the room. I've done rummage sales before to get rid of stuff I don't need, but I find it too much trouble. (I usually have to go in with someone else and haul my junk there.) One thing I look forward to if we do build, is being able to go through all of our belongings and DOWNSIZE! There is just so much we DON'T need anymore--I'll be glad to get rid of it.


The game is just beginning, so I will have to go. The Wings lost on Monday, so I hope it is a better showing tonight. Go Wings!


For all of my readers: have a wonderful, blessed holiday. I hope you will be spending the day with the people you love and care for. Take care and God bless.


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