Links...We Got Links

mental_floss is to be thanked once again--that is where I found these links:

--TWINS? has a great pictorial showing side-by-side pics of celebrities and their 'twins.' They certainly are right-on with most--if not all--of these. I NEVER am able to see these things for myself and admire anyone who can. It is quite funny.

--Vanity Plates

Do any of you have vanity plates? I do, but mine ISN'T pictured. (Sorry, but I DON'T post too much personal info here, so I won't post my vanity plate. If you simply MUST know what it is, send me an email and I will probably tell you privately. :)) Anyway, someone came up with the BRILLIANT idea of starting a blog that posts pictures of vanity plates and it is great. It is now going to be one of my daily stops while I wander around the interweb! Another great read.

--Photo Galleries

If you are the least bit offended at laughing at people, don't look at this. Some of the pictures and comments are a bit mean-spirited--okay, VERY mean-spirited--but every one of us has pictures like these that we hope NEVER see the light of day. While looking through this list, I really prayed that I would not see a picture of myself--I have way too many pics that would have qualified for this post. Anyway, this blog--List of The Day--DOES have quite a bit of funny stuff, so feel free to browse. I'm sure you will find something to laugh at!


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