Another Perth visit and my workload

Robin has just left for Perth again to take his mum uo for treatment and I feel really sad (again) but hope I am not going to miss him as much this time. I have too much to do to be pining away!!! Poor Hermyne was soooo sad. She brightened a little when I suggested a trip later to Grandma's but is now slumped in front of the glass sliding door waiting for her dad to get back. There will be two poodles on the bed tonight.

Well, things are sort of under control. The flu is gone, I am meeting my theory supervisor this Friday when she comes to Albany just to tweak my candidacy before I re-submit it, the paperwork for TAFE is chugging along and my job application is in and I am awaiting results. I think there are going to be some 'issues' around getting this job which have nothing to do with me - politics, but in the meantime I will get on with the work I know I have.

Also I spent a day with my prac. supervisor on wednesday and he was great. Lots of good feedback that left me feeling positive about my paintings. I had got a bit stuck because sometimes it is difficult to evaluate if what you are trying to do is actually working or not. I took him out to the Gap, which is where my project is based, and he instantly understood why I was working there and some of the problems I am encountering. I have found all the Curtin Uni staff with whom I have had dealings to be really professional and supportive, including the admin staff and library. They take their jobs very seriously.

Back to fix up a few things in my candidacy before e-mailing it to my supervisor. The house is way too quiet.


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