Things I Don't 'Get'

There are some things that just completely elude me--other than football, that is. Here are a few:

--Ayn Rand

Praises on top of praises have been heaped on this author and I just don't see what is so great about her. I read 'The Fountainhead' and hated it--there were no characters in the book that I admired or 'pulled for', and that included the main character. After my disappointment with this book, I decided against reading anything else she wrote.


Now, he may have been a wonderful writer and told great stories, but I just found his writing to be too much work. When I read something, I want to be entertained (to a certain extent) and I found myself working too hard when I read anything of his. For entertainment purposes, I need things to be easy--Shakespeare isn't easy. Other than being forced to read him for school, I will pass on Shakespeare.

--Regis Philben

If anyone can explain WHY this man is on TV and WHY anyone wants to watch him, I will listen. All I see when I look at the man--not that I do so voluntarily--is an old man with an enormous ego who loves to hear himself talk. Just don't get his popularity.

--Bruce Springsteen

I know these are fighting words, but, I DON'T LIKE 'THE BOSS.' I don't think he is overly talented with his song writing or his singing. Can't see what the appeal is there.


Do I even need to explain why I don't get this?

--The 'handsomeness' of Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio

Okay, maybe this is a generational thing, but I don't think either one of these two men are good looking. For sure, neither does a thing for my 'knock my socks off' meter. I 'get' Patrick Dempsey, Hugh Laurie, Adrian Grenier, Matthew Fox, Matthew McConaughey, etc.--I just don't see it with Brad or Leo.

--Apple and Steve Jobs

No one has explained in an understandable way why exactly Apples are better than PCs. I have had an opportunity to 'mess around' with an Apple and just don't see the advantage. Steve Jobs, as far as I have ever been able to tell, is just a great salesman. The man is an over-sized ego inside a normal-sized body. At least with Bill Gates, he actually KNOWS how to write software (the man does have a near-genius IQ)--something I have never heard said about Jobs.

--American Idol, Survivor, and most every other reality show

Granted, I HAVE watched 'Queer Eye For The Straight Guy' (and was a fan), 'Project Runway' (and was a fan), and one or two other shows (for part or all of only one season), but I don't understand the obsession that people feel for some of these shows. I don't see the appeal. (That being said, I AM watching the new show on Bravo called 'Top Design'. It is only in its second week, so I am not sure how much more I will watch. I figured I might get some good ideas for my own home by watching--we'll have to see.)


Raw fish? And just WHO thought this was a good idea?

--A Brazilian Wax

Don't even want to THINK about it.


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