I Came Back

We got back from our road trip early this evening. It turned out to be about the same as all of our road trips--no real surprises. We didn't buy anything exciting, unless you think laundry detergent is something to talk about! We did have one bit of an experience, though: K got stopped for speeding and got a ticket. This now is his second one in a year. I don't know what he will be doing about it. C thinks he should dispute it, cause the cop wrote him up for doing 20 above the limit. I really don't think he was doing more than 10 above, but... If K accepts this, he will have a total of 6 points on his license. YIKES! I'm sure our insurance will go up after this.

Yesterday we were sitting in the mall and I saw something I never thought I would see. There, in all his glory, was a man walking through the food court in flip-flop sandals, with no socks. A lot of people wouldn't really find this too odd of an occurrence, but the temp was running about 22 degrees and the wind chill had to be around 10-15 degrees! I guess he had no problems with being bare-footed in the cold because there was no snow. As I said, I never thought I would see anything like it, and never thought I would see it ever again. And today, I DID see it again!! The first thing we did when we got back here to town was go to the gas station and fill up. (We are supposed to be getting some nasty weather, so we wanted to have a full tank of gas in case of emergency.) And lo and behold, a guy pulls up to the pump next to us, gets out of his vehicle, and he is wearing flip-flops and no socks. Again, the temp was in the 20 degree range and there was a wind chill. The thing that made this time worse was the fact that WE have snow and he had to walk through several inches of it in his bare feet! I only wish I knew where this guy lived so that I could go and watch him this weekend when our HIGHS are only supposed to be about zero. I wonder what he will wear then? Maybe he will decide it is the perfect temp to go out streaking. (And believe me, NO ONE wants to see this guy naked! {shudder})


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