Some Thoughts For Today

Gee, I wish I had some good, philosophical things to write about, but I don't. So, here are some things going around in my head today.

--Many people have come to this blog by searching for 'deathclock lyrics.' I have NO idea what that is--and searching for it isn't any help. Does anyone know what this is?

--This made me happy today: I looked outside and all of the 3-4+" of snow/ice on the top of my Jimmy was gone! Yup, the sun was out and it was warm enough for every bit of ice to come off the roof--HOORAY! We don't have a garage, so there is usually at least a little bit of snow/ice on the vehicles at all times. (The Jimmy is too high for me to reach and brush everything off--and it has a luggage carrier on top, so that makes it doubly hard to take care of. K doesn't mind that it isn't snow-free.)

--The temp went up to 22 degrees above zero on our backyard thermometer this afternoon! How great is that?

--This winter has been a little strange in the fact that I can't keep the house humidified at all. All winter long, every year, I have to run humidifiers just so I won't shock myself to death by walking through the house. For some reason or another, this year is horribly bad! I have three humidifiers running at top speed constantly and it STILL is very staticky! My hair stands out around my head like some sort of halo/aura--NOT a good look. We have an antique brass bed that we sleep in, so it is LOADS of fun making the bed every day. I have to try not to get too near the headboard or foot or I wind up creating sparks that would light up a medium-sized room! The poor cat is terrified to rub against my leg for fear of a teeth-shattering shock. This is one thing that could make me want winter to go away.

--The cat usually will come with me in the computer room and keep me company. While I don't mind this, the other night she drove me absolutely insane. She was chewing her toenails! The sound is very close to fingernails on a chalkboard and just grates away at my nerves. Despite what some people feel, we had the cat declawed at the time we had her spayed. (Some people feel this is akin to torture--I feel this has saved her life. I WILL NOT have a cat destroy my furnishings, etc, by shredding them. I find no problem with declawing a cat that will NEVER be allowed to roam outside on its own--which ours doesn't.) However, she still has her back claws and, I guess, she has to groom them to keep them at a respectable length. I really don't care WHAT the reason is for her doing it, it just drives me insane!

--I saw this video and thought it was one of the funniest I have seen in a long time. Here I present "Baby Panda Sneezing."


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