My Day

My day was worse than yours. Period. Unless you had a horrid tragedy, I guarantee my day was much, much shittier than yours was.

This morning I was sitting on the toilet taking care of business. All of a sudden I felt something along the lines of this:

Yep, the toilet was erupting like a volcano. Of course, I got off, started screaming for K, closed the lid--little good it did other than keep stuff from hitting the ceiling--and stood looking at the mess as more spewed from between the seat and toilet. I almost started to cry. K came into the room and flushed the toilet. This slowed things down a little and finally the erupting ended. And I stood there, frozen. I don't even remember if I have ever had to clean up an overflowing toilet, but THIS!! Nothing I have ever seen before.

Finally I got moving and grabbed towels from the linen closet to soak up some of the water. I got the bucket ready and got on my hands and knees to begin the clean-up. I almost was done getting the first layer of crud off of everything and I went to wipe the water line leading into the toilet. It broke off in my hand. And water began to spray. Everywhere. And continued until I screamed for K to turn the freaking water off! This time I DID start crying. I was soaked head to toe and the bathroom was worse. Back to the linen closet for more towels. And I cleaned the bathroom once more.

All of this began--well, NOT the water line breaking--because the city had an outside agency video-surveying the sewer lines in our section of town. I guess there have been problems. K talked to the guys--who WERE outside of our house when this all happened--and they said they were probably the cause of our eruption. They offered to come and clean up the mess--but I was all done by this time. The only thing left was for me to shower--again. And do laundry--lots and lots of laundry. But first (after showering), I went to bed--I wanted to forget what happened for a while.


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