So THAT'S What The Problem Was!

At the beginning of the playoffs, the Red Wings' children drew pictures for their dads as good luck charms. These pictures were taped in each player's space in the locker room and traveled with the team when they went on the road. When Kris Draper's daughter finished drawing her picture for him, she asked her dad, "What about the player's who DON'T have kids? Where are THEY going to get pictures?" She decided to draw pictures for the non-dads in the group so that they wouldn't feel left out. So, all of the players had children's art work in their spaces.

Fast forward to Wednesday night. Game 3 of the finals. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Red Wings lost. Afterwards, it was discovered that Zetterberg's picture never made the trip--one that Kris Draper's daughter drew. It was Fed-Exed to Pittsburgh in time for the game on Saturday. The Wings won. And who ever said good luck charms don't work? :D


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