Turn Left Now

Anyone who drives has made left turns numerous times. You put your blinker on, you look both ways, and then you turn left. Easy--unless you are in Michigan. We have something called a 'Michigan left' here--at least that is what K calls them. It goes like this. You come to an intersection and want to make a left turn onto a divided highway. In a common-sense way, you would think you could cross over two lanes and then turn left, but no, you have to turn RIGHT before you can come to a place where you can find a left-turn lane and then do a U-turn so you can go in the direction you wanted to in the first place. Got that? You must turn RIGHT before you can make a left turn. That is what is called a Michigan left. We have MANY places in this town where you have to make a left turn this way--and it is one of the most confusing things tourists have to contend with. While it isn't surprising that tourists are confused, I still would like to shoot the next one who doesn't read the signs that say HOW to make one of these turns. I once was caught in the middle of a four-lane highway when the light changed because a tourist wanted to make an illegal left-turn--fun. I was going straight, as I was ALLOWED to do. And I was the one that got honked at by the other drivers! How humiliating. So, consider this a warning if you ever have to drive in Michigan: beware the 'Michigan left!'


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