Yes, I'm Excited

On 30 September, K, myself, A, and her husband, will be at Target Center in Minneapolis at 7:30 PM. We will be getting ready to greet the Eagles as they come onstage!!! Hot damn! I just got the tickets and could only be more excited if they were tickets to a Red Wings' game. (Who am I kidding--I would probably be in a dead faint on the floor if I just bought Red Wing tickets!) This is almost--no, not quite--as exciting as when I bought the tickets to see Clapton.

In my early years, I wasn't a big Eagles' fan--K was one when we started dating, so I followed. Their music was DEFINITELY different than what I was a fan of, but I have come to appreciate them more and more with each passing year. (At the time I listened to Black Sabbath, Cream, Alice Cooper, Led Zepplin, etc, and had a lot of distain for 'Top 40'-type of music. I loved hard-, acid-rock--anything with great guitar riffs. Is it any wonder my love of Clapton borders on hero-worship?! ;)) A became a fan through default, I guess--she was held captive in the car while I played their CDs. :) She shares a lot of my musical tastes simply because that is all she heard in her early years. When I asked if her husband was going to come to the concert she said, "I don't care, I AM!!!"

This is definitely an event I didn't want to miss. After all, with all of the in-fighting they have done over the years, you never know WHEN their last public performance will be. It will be great to be able to share the experience with A--I will always regret her not being there for the Clapton concert. Unfortunately, she couldn't afford to go at the time and I couldn't afford to treat her to a ticket--I HAD to sit on the floor and get as up close and personal as possible to Clapton as I could. (We had AMAZING seats to that concert--14th row on the floor, if I remember correctly.) All in all, it will be another memory of a lifetime. I can't wait.


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