New York Times (1993):Keating Son-in-Law to Serve Prison Term

United States District Judge Mariana R. Pfaelzer imposed the sentence last week on the son-in-law, Robert M. Wurzelbacher Jr., who had pleaded guilty to three counts of misapplying $14 million from Lincoln, an Irvine, Calif., savings association.
Robert Wurzelbacher, it appears, is the father of Joseph Wurzelbacker aka "Joe the Plumber." Small world.

Update: But then again not so small as it now appears that Joe the Plumber is not the son of Robert M. Wurzelbacker Hr. See here.

Update 2: There has been speculation that Joe the Plumber may be related to a Doug Wurzelbacher of Wasilla, Alaska. It turns out: maybe, maybe not. I located an email address for Doug and asked him if he was related to Joe. His reply: "considering he is from ohio and my family is from there too then quite possibly yes. But I do not know him and I don't know Palin either."


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