Celebrating Outside the Boxscore's 500th post

We finally hit a milestone at Outside the Boxscore with our 500th post. Yes, I know many blogs have already hit well past the 1,000 mark but considering the likelihood that we would be already at our 500th post, I am shocked to begin with.

Here are some quick facts:

->There have been 57 versions of the Moment of Zen
->There have been 42 Great Name HOF posts
->There have been 21 Gotta Love a Gimmick Posts
->What is the most popular person on Outside the Boxscore? That is Sir Charles Barkley who has been featured in 16 different posts
->What is the team we have mentioned the most? The Arizona Cardinals with their Super Bowl run receiving 12 posts.
->The First post was about NFL Picks for Week 14 of the 2008 NFL season
->Post #499 was about Charles Barkley inability to eat bread in 45 seconds
->We started with one writer, now we have five writers

So how do we celebrate our 500th post? Very simply, with one thing.

One Liners from David Caruso

Congratulations to all of us at Outside the Boxscore!


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