Uranus in Pisces, Chiron in Pisces

I know we have all been talking about Uranus big move into Aries (later today) and I get it, that is a lot to talk about.

But at the same time I do not want to undermine what I think has been an important part of the opposition between Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. A few days before their 4th oppositon --the oil rig exploded. God knows how many millions of barrells of oil are now destroying ocean life in the Gulf.

It is truly painful for me to watch. In fact I am not just watching, I drove to the congressional offices in my area and demanded that they find out how many gallons are going out and to find out what is PLAN B if BP can't fix it.

But I digress..... here is what I want you to know. I found on CNN --Bill Nye, The Science Guy was reviewing plans brought forward by regular people. People who are trying to come up with their own solutions. Their own plans. They shot their 'ideas' and emailed them as Ireports to CNN. They explained what they thought would work.
God bless them, they are coming up with an idea. I have no idea where they live or if they are even in the gulf. It doesn't matter. They want to help, they want to use their own creativity to come up with a solution. THIS my friends is the perk to Uranus in Pisces oppose Saturn in Virgo. Regular people trying to serve up ingenuity. I also think that this is part and parcel of Chiron's move in Pisces.

I was amazed. You can watch here.


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