You Would Think You Could Trust McDonald's, At Least

Even though it probably won't ever happen, I have had thoughts and dreams of traveling the world.  However, one of the big problems with that is my finickiness when it comes to the food I eat.  Actually, it has more to do with foods I WON'T eat.  I am not an adventurous person when it comes to food.  I like what I like and it takes a lot to get me to try something new.  K has gotten perturbed with me on more than one occasion because I order the same things at the same restaurants when we go out.  But, when I go out to eat, I'm usually hungry, so I want to order something that I KNOW I will eat and like.  Period.  So shoot me.

McDonald's has a presence all over the world.  Actually, there are McDonald's in about 124 countries around the world--and there are more than 31,000 individual restaurants.  I always figured that if I traveled, I would have at least ONE restaurant with food that I would eat.  Not so fast.  While I'm sure the same things are served in all McDonald's, there definitely are some strange things served in other parts of the world.  Ah, beer anyone?  Germany serves that.  How about rice and beans?  Costa Rica is where you will find that.  To find out more strange McDonald's menu items, go here to read the rest of the story. 

So, I can't travel and stay in my own little protected shell as I thought I could.  I just might have to stay closer to home.  But then, I LIKE it here in my own little world.  :D

(Come back soon for a different look at Wal-Mart!)


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