My oldest, dearest friend and I wouldn't seem to have enough in common to be as good friends as we are. We are quite different, in fact. She is tall(er), I am barely taller than someone who would be called a 'little person.' She has always been quite thin, I have always struggled with weight. She doesn't cook very often and I was always 'Suzy Homemaker.' She struggled a little with school work and it always came pretty easy to me. She was a 'wild child' in high school and I was the 'perfect, good girl'--or tried to be. She is the youngest child, I am the oldest. She gets periodic Botox injections and I have never seriously considered doing anything cosmetically to make myself appear younger. (Full disclosure: I color my hair. NOT so much to cover the grey--of which mine is NOT pretty--but to keep me blond. Blond just looks better with my skin tones.) She was more athletic and I was always "WHY would I get off of the couch when I have a book to read?" And the difference we discuss on a semi-regular basis, our boobs. Her girls look like fried eggs on a flat plate. Mine would do a nice job of filling a champagne glass when I was in high school--these days, after my weight gain, I am more in the "Lady, put those things away! You're going to put someone's eye out!!!" category. But we agree on one thing: the SECOND we walk into the house, we shed our bras. Home=bra-freedom to the two of us.
Last week during one of our conversations, we started talking about how much we hated to wear bras. It isn't just a dislike for either of us, it is as if we are being tortured whenever we have to wear the contraptions. Out daughters don't seem to have the same dislike that we do, however. My Oldest barely takes hers off whenever she showers--that's how much she wears one. Of course, she is quite well-endowed and pregnant, but that isn't/wasn't any different when she isn't pregnant or when she was young. My Youngest--and my friend's daughter--don't have quite so much to cover, but neither one of them would ever dream of NOT wearing a bra. And this got us to thinking: Is the hatred of bras generation-specific? We both know of others in our age-group who hate the OSBH (over shoulder boulder holder) as much as we do, so we wondered if it had anything to do with the time period we grew up in. We were part of the 'burn the bra' generation and threw ours away when everyone else did--and we never got back to wearing bras until we were told we HAVE to when we got pregnant. So this is the question: Do most/all women despise wearing bras or was the 'burn the bra' generation just trained to hate them? What do you all have to say?
To Bra, Or Not To Bra, That Is The Question
7:58 PM