Regular drop-in bandits may have noticed that I have been very quiet on the blog-front lately. There are, as always, reasons (one of which is pictured but not restricted to) that I will share. Mainly I haven't had anything to write about because as every writer knows, when there is little angst in one's life, there is not much to write about. Life has just been mooching along and I have simply taken the usual minor gripes and discomforts in my stride.
So why the picture? This is what I am dealing with at the moment. I have had to admit that my usual method of stoically exercising through injuries just hasn't worked and I have had to resort to REST and HIRING CRUTCHES. The indignity! A couple of months ago I ignored my own advice. On a small swell day and desperate for some waves I surfed in shallow water. I stepped off my board and stretched my plantar fascia (I didn't even know I had one). I thought it was on the mend but after walking at work I found that there was quite a severe pain in my heel (right where it indicates in the picture) I have had to reluctantly admit that I will just have to come up with some strategies to make it heal. Dammit!
Thankfully Boy Wonder did some Googling and found out what I had wrong with me (apart from just being a grumpy bitch) so now I am on a program to get it fixed. We found out that it is a HUGE thing, that many people many years younger than me have suffered it and it is very debilitating and frustrating. The medical profession doesn't have much to offer either and my usual paranoia keeps me away from them anyway.
So today I went to the Denmark Pharmacy and hired some crutches. I found they were quite difficult to negotiate but the most amusing thing was that people suddenly started being really nice. Traffic stopped, people held doors open and even the kids in the pie shop looked on in wide-eyed compassion. I felt like an imposter! But it was really nice that people were so nice.
Which brings me around to my sense of (black) humour and a story about one of my ex's who had no such qualms about being an imposter. One day, half-drunk and trying to cross a busy street near a Clarement pub he got frustrated. Being a nurse and quite familiar with certain physical disabilites, he feigned cerebral palsy and limped and dragged his way to the edge of the road. You guessed it, the traffic stopped as he staggered across with tortured limbs and a matching grimaced expression on his face. Only to reach the other side, straighten up and walk off in front of some either very pissed or very amused drivers.