rex ryan

rex ryan

Right off the back of the controversy of the New York Jets trainer purposely tripping an opposing player during a game, the team have another scandal to deal with as they prepare for the playoffs. Website Deadspin has unearthed some foot-fetish videos that were posted on youtube depicting what many believe to be, Rex Ryan's wife, Michelle (pictured left with Rex).

The proof has been made by the fact that the woman looks exactly like Michelle and an off-screen voice in one of the videos —

"You mind if I touch them? ... Can I smell 'em?" — sounds like Rex Ryan but the connections only begin with surface resemblances. We found "ihaveprettyfeet"'s personal profile on a foot fetishist dating site. Reached for comment, a Jets spokesman said only: "This is a personal matter and Rex will have no comment."

So an embarassing situation for the New York Jets man and his wife and they will be hoping they can gloss over this matter ASAP!


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