WWE: When Is Triple H Returning to the Ring?

WWE is still big around the world, even if it isn't nearly as popular as when superstars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and Shawn Michaels ruled the world, but one of the major superstars of that era is still around and hasn't been seen for some time.

Triple H has been out with an assortment of injuries for some time now and his comeback has been speculated for a while. There is no real timetable for him to return, but according to a report on, Triple H will be taking a more involved role at TV tapings in the next couple of weeks.

It's not shocking that he's got his hands in the behind-the-scenes stuff, but what is shocking is how well it's gone when he's been in charge. It's been reported to have been a much less stressful working atmosphere then when Vince McMahon is running things, especially for the announcing team, which doesn't have to deal with Vince screaming in their ear all night long.

While he's a perfect fit for that kind of work, I think we can all safely say that we want to see Triple H back in the ring sooner rather than later.


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