Astrological Notes on Obama's Speech

My beautiful friend and astrologer Carol Tonsing sent me a lovely email where she waxed quite eloquently on how President Obama's Inaugural speech seemed to be answering all the astrological challenges and perks we have in front of us. I asked her if I could post her thoughts here and she graciously agreed. I think you will all appreciate her musings. Thank you, Carol

"I was so struck with the notion of "Destiny" when I listened to the
Inauguration speech. I was overwhelmed with the notion that this guy is
someone really amazing and of other forces being at work. At first, I
had trepidation, because it is a Mercury retrograde, with all the problems that
entails. But the crystal clear weather and the masses of humanity gathered
showed a kind of blessing - I was wondering how he would handle the
Mercury Retrograde and he did it brilliantly. As an astrologer, I was
totally bowled over. He nailed the three biggest astrological trends
exactly, almost as if an astrologer helped him write the

First, Pluto in Capricorn: "A new era of duty and
responsibility" (the keywords of Capricorn) is likely to be the phrase
everyone remembers. The previous Pluto in Capricorn happened during
the Revolutionary War. He harked back to the old values, to George
Washington's speech during the hard times of the war, by the frozen
Potomac. The tone of his address in general, had all the Capricorn
notions of hard work and pragmatism, to lifting ourselves up by our

Jupiter in Aquarius (and the sun) was also in his
speech when he referred to America's inclusiveness, reaching out to the
whole world, wanting to be partners with everyone and the epic crowds on
the Mall, the panorama shots of this humungous mass of humanity
(Aquarius). The other amazing thing is that with this mass of
humanity gathered, millions of spectators from everywhere, there was no
violence, no arrests. I kept fingers crossed when they got out of the car
and walked a few blocks. Everyone was so caught up in the magic of the
moment. Security notwithstanding, It could have been such a disaster, but
it turned the opposite way.

He referred constantly to how everyone
must work together. It was all "we" and very little "I" in the speech.
Amazing for a Leo.

Mercury retrograde: The
references to the past, to harking back to old values as we prepare for change
in the future. He managed this paradox beautifully. The
emphasis on "re" words -re-new, re-affirm. He managed to be both
conservative and liberal at the same time.

All, I can say is "Whew"
- how he accomplished this with only a minor glitch in the swearing in
moment was amazing.

Did you notice that
Obama is left-handed. Clinton was also left handed. So were
Al Gore, John McCain, Gerald Ford, Harry Truman, James
Garfield. Gee whatta factoid. They say right or left
handedness is determined in the womb.

I did see some
similarities in the oratory and delivery and comfort in front of the public
between Clinton and Obama. The same ability to speak to the crowd.
That's the Leo, though.

Now let's hope he / we can deliver! "
She also wanted to me to add this late bit of business.

"I would like to add another dose of destiny after reading this morning's
NY Times, which mentioned that Obama took the oath of office AGAIN yesterday
(the 22nd), because of the glitch by Roberts in the wording of "faithfully" when
he took the first oath. I don't have the exact time for the second
oath. BUT I believe the first oath was close to noon on Tuesday, when the
moon was still in Scorpio, void of course! It entered Sag about
12.31 EST. So yesterday's moon in Sag was much more favorable
to Obama and his plans. And an interesting Mercury retrograde note
as well.

Another factoid: Apparently Roberts is a grammarian
(Saturn in Virgo!) who dislikes split infinitives. So he may have
resisted the positioning of "faithfully" in the speech. Interesting op ed
in the NY Times on this. He may also have carried a subconscious
resentment toward Obama because Obama opposed his nomination.

And, of course, Caroline Kennedy, revoked her interest in the
Senate position on a Sag moon. With Teddy out of the picture, she
wouldn't have the clout. Don't have Teddy's chart handy -
wonder what Saturn/Uranus is doing to his Sun.

It'll be interesting
to see what this Monday's eclipse brings.



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