Send in the Links: (08/19/09)

It's that time again as OTB takes a look around the blogopshere for the cream of the crop or at least the stuff that falls into our inbox.

Beyonce. (Witty remark withdrawn from fear of Jay-Z beatdown)

-> Nick Barnett put Brett Favre "On Watch" (NESW Sports)
-> "Shaq Vs." did not least for this week (With Leather)
-> South African female runner is a man? One way to prove it, Take her on the Maury Show. (Bootlegger Sports)
-> St Louis Cardinals will give John Smoltz a try (Big League Stew)
-> Magic Johnson Top Ten Clutch Plays (That NBA Lottery Pick)
-> Where is God Shammgod now? (Great Sports Name HOF)

Now, Excuse Me, Dramatic Prairie Dog.


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