As Endorsed By...

Oprah and Dr. Oz got their panties all in a bunch and have decided to sue some internet companies selling acai products. Acai--for those who don't know--is one of the newest 'superfoods.' It is a fruit that grows in the Brazilian rain forest and it is supposed to 'cure what ails ya.' Maybe, maybe not--who is to say. Anyway, Oprah and Oz have sung the praises of the berry and sites selling the products on the web have exploded--and Oprah and Oz are pissed. They claim the sites have been using them as endorsing their particular products and they say they haven't done so.

What exactly is considered an endorsement? The different sites I have looked at say something along the lines of "As seen on Oprah" or "Dr. Oz's superfood" or "Dr. Oz said on such and such show." Nowhere have I seen it said that Oprah or Oz are a fan of XXX product or YYY product. Of course, I don't have the time or money to find every site on the net that sells this product, so there MAY BE some sites that are blatantly lying. All I'm pretty sure of is this: what Oprah wants, Oprah gets. I'm sure she will win--and probably add money to her millions.

And as a bit of an aside: I know a lot of people flock to anything Oprah recommends/endorses. As far as I'm concerned, if I see her name on something, I RUN AWAY as fast, and as far, as possible.


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