THAT'S Why...

I've really never been one to worry about my age. Other than the limitations of my body, I have always thought age was 'just a number.' Most of the time I don't mention my age because almost all of the people I 'talk' with online are younger than me--and I don't want to be dismissed as 'that old lady.' ;) So, why have I been so obsessed with my age lately? I finally figured it out: my birthday was coming up. And that day is today. I decided to end my constant age talk with today's post. And now I present you with: Things I Am Older Than and Things That Are Older Than Me.

Things I Am Older Than:

  1. Disneyland
  2. MTV and (basically) every artist that is on there
  3. NASA
  4. CNN
  5. Facebook, Twitter, the internet, Apple, and Microsoft

Things That Are Older Than Me:
  1. CBS (the TV network)
  2. legalized gambling in Las Vegas
  3. the pyramids of Egypt
  4. dirt
  5. the Rolling Stones

And now, for the first time ever online, I will reveal my age. On this day, 28 November 2009, I am celebrating my 55th birthday. I REALLY feel old writing that. :D

(I have a 'hockey version' of this post over at my other blog.)


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