If you have not had the pleasure of reading Michael Lutin---NOW would be the time to start. Holy, Moley he is on fire...and not a matchstick too late (if you ask me).
I am sure many of you may be familiar with his work when he was the astrologer for Vanity Fair Magazine. He broke free from Czar Carter a couple years ago and now in my opinion is able to fly without too many corporate chains.
I have been waiting for some snippets from Mikey on our changing energies ...ahem Cardinal cross... and my friend sent me the following link:
A dark tide is rising, and within weeks you're going to
see on TV or witness in front of your eyes
overt acts of hostility against a regime
people feel is unnjust and corrupt.
This will mark the beginning
of the Uranus Pluto square,
a period of social change
not seen since the 1960's.
It is a worldwide phenomenon .....
it continues...a must read go to HERE for the rest of Uncle Mikey's take.
I don't spend a lot of time following Eclipse paths, not because I don't believe they have merit but more because I barely have time to bathe these days let alone look at shadows on earth. Anyway, since I'm not versed in Eclipses I am always pleased to find an article by someone who knows what they are talking about.
Such is David Crook's piece on his website "Stellar Insights".
One of my peers has noted the linkage between current events in South America, and the total solar eclipse of July 11, 2010. This solar eclipse will be visible in Argentina, and Chile where the massive earthquake just struck. Currently, Argentina's relations with the UK are strained over disputed territory with huge oil reserves. Thus, the July eclipse seems to be casting a shadow in the area where it will be visible, over 4 months before it occurs. In fact, the chart Ascendant(18 Capricorn) for Chile's earthquake was opposite(-180-) the solar eclipse degree. But we must also note that the heliocentric Nodes of Pluto(20 Cancer-Capricorn) are now being triggered by the Moon's Nodes, and the activation of Pluto's Nodes are an indication of possible eruptions and upheavals.
The Eclipse and several U.S. horoscopes The July 11, 2010 eclipse falls in the 8th house(death, debt, and losses) of the U.S. Sibly chart- while squaring the U.S. progressed Mars, and opposing President Obama's Inauguration Mars. These hard aspects to Mars suggest heightened violence and military conflicts.
The solar eclipse in Cancer also hits the U.S. First Continental Congress(9/5/1774) 8th house Mars(-180-Pluto); the U.S. Dollar(7/6/1785) Moon-Uranus conjunction(17 Cancer); and the U.S. Federal Reserve(12/23/13) Ascendant-Mars(18-20 Cancer). Therefore, there would seem to be some major financial implications of this eclipse for the United States, and it's probably not good news.
Go to link for the rest of the article. Very thoughtful!!!
Tiger Woods missed the cut today at Quail Hollows. Today Tiger Woods shot a career worst 79-+7 during the second round. To put this in perspective Tiger has never shot that bad at a PGA event. His worst round ever was in Europe with an 81 during the third round of the 2002 British Open. On another note this is what he accomplished, errrr...
Worst 36-hole total of professional career (153)
2nd-worst 18 hole score of professional career (79)
Ties worst 9-hole score of entire career (43 on back 9 today)
Hit 6 fairways over first 2 rounds, worst of his professional career
1st missed cut in non-major since 2005
Back-to-back double-bogeys (or worse) for 3rd time in entire career (14th and 15th holes today)
So basically after trying to prove to the world that he still had his stroke at the Masters, Tiger came up lame in this event. After seeing the sex scandal unfold we've now realized Tiger Woods is human, but let's hope this isn't what's in his future on the golf course, because that's one place where I don't want to see him become human.
Young Jeezy drops "Hood Politics" and even though we've been censored for dropping Young Jeezy before this track is so hot we had to toss it up. F2DD don't care if they get censored when something this hot drops.
Brett Favre has been informed he requires surgery on his left ankle to play the upcoming season for the Minnesota Vikings, and the quarterback is deliberating whether to have the procedure or simply to end his 19-year NFL career by retiring.
Favre, who would turn 41 during the 2010 season, told ESPN the ankle injury that he suffered three months ago in the NFC Championship Game against the New Orleans Saints continues to be swollen and painful.
That prompted tests to determine why healing had not occurred, and Favre sent the results of those scans to orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Andrews, who told the quarterback his opinion that surgery is unavoidable.
And so it begins. Not to be overshadowed in world of drama by LeBron, a story about Brettt Favre and "unavoidable" surgery comes up. So here we go NFL, here we go Vikings fans everywhere. Get ready for Brett Favre to hold your team "hostage" kind of. You know he's coming back. I know he's coming back. All the readers on F2DD knows he's coming back so I guess he isn't holding you hostage. He's just making more people hate him and the Vikings organization.
What a joke. Favre just get the surgery done, get your ass on the field so we can all enjoy when you throw a god awful interception in a critical moment and cost your team a game, a chance at a super bowl appearance, and all your teammates a ring.
I TOLD you that things would begin to heat up (ha, ha) now that summer is coming. And here we go:
--12:17 PM, person lost/left Blackberry cell phone on her bumper two days ago, unknown location This girl has quite a bit of problems remembering, doesn't she? First, she's not sure whether she LOST or LEFT her phone on the bumper and then she's not sure where this occurred. Maybe she THOUGHT she remembered HAVING a Blackberry, but isn't sure of THAT.
--2:40 PM, multiple cars at apartment complex have had flat tires due to nails and screws in their tires. It is suspected that damage is not accidental. DUH!!!!!!!!!
--3:25 PM, beaver causing traffic jam, beaver moved along There is a joke in there, but I'M not making it. ;)
--5:40 PM, report of man in a wheelchair in the road, possibly in distress I guess I would say DUH!!! to this one, too.
--6:56 PM, report of a cleaning truck making a lot of noise from its high-powered vacuum And???? It's not like this is happening at 3:00 AM!
--9:06 AM, found small chicken in lot, removed/adopted by local farmer I have nothing...
With the news that Lindsay Lohan has violated her terms of probation and will be heading to court next month to please her case, she has officially reached "Daily Dumbass" status here at F2DD. Not that she didn't already reach that when she looks like this:
Many of you may notice this is the first week we're experimenting with our featured "Pregamin' Pod" to help all ya'll who are slacking on you're daily dose of Fresh2Death Daily music. Here's a mix to get you ready to pop some bottles and get your happy feet warmed up. Give us some feedback in the comments section and if it's successful, we'll make it a weekly occurrence (for future reference I'll be posting it Thursday). Cheers!
If I remember correctly, the inferno section of Dante's Divine Comedy contains the idea of contrapasso for sin punishment. Essentially, the process by which souls serve penance for the nature of their sins lived during their lifetime.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban will probably have to deal with something in the after-life whether it good or bad. However, right now it appears that his NBA contrapasso is not allowing the Mavericks to win a NBA championship.
The Mavericks were eliminated by their hated-rivals the San Antonio Spurs on Thursday Night as Mark Cuban looked on in pure hopelessness. Cuban is one of the few polarizing figures in the NBA when it comes to owners whether you love him or hate him and the continuously breath of the Mavericks failure in the post-season continues to haunt him like the Ghost of Christmas Past.
There was once a time that the Dallas Mavericks were a perennial laughing-stock of the NBA and the words, "Dallas Mavericks, NBA Champions" would only probably appear on a sketch for Saturday Night Live. However, since Cuban has taken over ownership of the team, they have become perennial playoff contenders and have had ten consecutive 50 win seasons.
However, what most NBA fans remember the Mavericks for in recent memory is their futility in the playoffs. It appeared that they finally reached their pinnacle in the 2005 NBA Finals against the Miami Heat and were mere minutes away in game three from securing their first ever NBA championship. Then the NBA powers that be decided to play a trick on Mark Cuban and give Miami Heat star Dwayne Wade, "Michael Jordan powers" and steal the series away.
After that game, the Mavericks have never been the same. The 8th seeded Golden State Warriors upset them in the first round in the following season and Dallas has made it out the first round once in the past three seasons.
For Mark Cuban, this must be absolute torture for someone who has been so successful in the business world. I think Cuban should consider bringing on a shaman/pastor to rid the Mavericks of these metaphorical demons. (If it worked for the Tampa Bay Rays, it might work for the Mavericks.)
Whatever is ailing this team, Mark Cuban's going to have to figure it out relatively quickly since his stars are beginning to show age and the young complementary pieces can only keep you afloat for so long.
If not, Mark Cuban's NBA version of contrapasso will continue to repeat itself, again and again.
Aloitin kirjoittamaan tätä jo eilen, mutta kuvien lataamisen kanssa ilmeni ongelmia, enemmän siitä alla olevassa postauksessa. Kommentoikaa siihenkin jos osaatte yhtään auttaa! :) Latasin kuvat nyt TinyPicin kautta, mutta se on tosi hidasta, ja minulla on jo ikävä Bloggerin kuvanlatausta. :( Flicriinkin pitäisi tehdä joku Yahoo-sähköpostitunnus, blöö.
Argh, pahoittelut postaamattomuudestani! Tähän on jopa pari ihan kunnollista syytä, kuten esim. se että viime viikolla netti pätki koko ajan, ja joinain päivinä se ei toiminut oikein ollenkaan. Thanks Sonera.. Piti siis niinä päivinä yrittää keksiä jotain muuta tekemistä kuin dataus, mikä osoittautui välillä aika haastavaksi. Tiivistettynä olen tämän yli viikon aikana: ▬ säätänyt vaihteeksi mopon kanssa (laitoin tankkiin bensan sijasta teräketjuöljyä..... Don't ask. ▬ ostanut "vesimelonikynsilakan", odotan jo sen kokeilua! Seppälästä 2,95€.
▬ värjännyt hiuksia kolmena eri päivänä (halusin että ne ovat mahdollisimman hyvät koulukuvauksessa..) ▬ lomaillut neljä päivää ▬ käynyt mummin luona pitkästä aikaa vapaaehtoisesti, ja saanut häneltä hänen itse posliinimaalaamansa astiaston, aw.
▬ katsonut True Bloodin kaudet toiseen otteeseen (heh..) ▬ melkeinpä saanut sydärin kun kuulin että The Used tulee Suomeen 23.6, koska minulla ei ole ketään muuta kuin Vilu joka lähtisi sitä kanssani katsomaan, mutta Vilu ei vielä tiedä voiko sinne lähteä, joten ei voida tilata lippuja! Ja sekös tässä sen sydärin saakin aikaan kun pelkään että ne loppuvat juuri ennen kuin lähtömme sinne varmistuisi. THE USED! Lempibändieni listalla tokana. ;___; //EDIT: Kirjoitin äskeisen osan torstaina, kun ei ollut vielä tullut ilmi että The Usedin koko Euroopan kiertue on peruttu!! En tiedä ollako iloinen, koska tuonne meneminen ei ollut yhtään varmaa, ja nyt jos lähiaikoina julkaistaisiin vaikka uusi keikkapäivä, sille saattaisin jopa todennäköisemmin päästä! ▬ ollut tiistaina koulussa tässä asussa. Sain tuon paidan viime kesäiseltä pomoltani, ja se oli ekaa kertaa päälläni kun äitini vihdoin lyhensi sen hihoja.
♥ paita, pitsisukkikset & laukku: second hand ♥ hame & korvikset: H&M ♥ neule: Jim&Jill ♥ rusetti: äidin vanha ♥ helmet: Seppälä (itse vähän lyhennetty) ♥ kello: Leijona
▬ yrittänyt kuvata videota tänne blogiin kun sitä on niin moni pyytänyt, mutta plörinäksihän se meni, joten sorry, ei videota vielä tässä postauksessa. :D
▬ ollut koulukuvauksessa, ja saanut melkein toisen sydärin siitä kun unohdin sen kuvauslapun kotiin ja pelkäsin että en saisi niitä kuvia! Onneksi sellaisen sitten sain, mutta nyt stressaan sitä että miten ne kuvat onnistuivat! Kouluvauksessa olin tässä asussa:
▬ ollut minipiknikillä Allun kanssa. Odotan kovasti kesän piknikkejä! ♥
♥ takki: Sisters Point ♥ kengät: H&M ♥ huivi: second hand ♥ hanskat: Aleksi 13
Varkauden ihanat tehtaat.. Varkaus on ollut uutisissakin lähiaikoina, kun Stora Ensolta potkittiin pihalle n. 200 tyyppiä. :o Varsinkin tällaiselle pienellä n. 23 000 ihmisen kaupungille se on aika kova isku.
Kaiken värittömyyden keskellä kukkivat krookukset näyttivät tosi kivoilta. En ole muuten vielä nähnyt edes leskenlehtiä! Ne ovat tosi söpöjä.
Allu keskittyi Trendin lukemiseen, minä puolestani kuvailuun. Minulla olisi aika hulvattomia yhteiskuvia, mutta luulen ettei Allu kovin arvostaisi jos laittaisin niitä tänne.. :D
Enkö sopisikin suoriltaan Trendin malliksi, katsokaa nyt mikä yhdennäköisyys tuonkin mallin kanssa! XD
▬ ostanut ihanan muumipussilakan K-Marketista, kun sen sai -50% hintaan keräilymerkeillä. Se on IHANA, mutta näette siitä kuvaa myöhemmin, kun se oli vasta pesussa. ▬ mikä ehkä tärkeintä, SAANUT KESÄTÖITÄ!! Jeii! 8---) Saa nähdä miten tulen pärjäämään, koska minusta tulee kesäkuussa lehtimyyjä puhelimen välityksellä, HAHA! :---D En ole voinut kuvitellakaan itsenäni siinä ammatissa, mutta niin siinä vaan kävi että ajauduin maanantaina haastatteluun, ja paikan sieltä sain. :) Voin kertoa että olin ihan pinteessä, ja olen edelleen! ▬ ollut torstaina eli eilen koulussa tässä asussa. Eilen muuten satoi räntää kun hypärillä kävimme mopolla Allun luona!
Tänään kävin koulussa muutaman tunnin, ja sen jälkeen olen keskittynyt dataamaan ja syömään tippaleipää ja muuta yhtä terveellistä.. Ajattelin syödä itseni nyt hengiltä, kun varmaan kellään ei ole näin surullista vappukohtaloa kuin minulla, koska vietän vapun KOTONA YKSIN. Jes. Suuret bileet siis tiedossa.. not. Puhalsin silti pari palloa lohduttamaan, yksi kyllä tyhjeni äsken itsestään ja sain sätkyn. Ajattelin myös katsoa Hannah Montanaa. Enää ei edes tuo fakta naurata, kun mieluummin katson sitä kuin kuolen tylsyyteen. Sovittiin Allun kanssa että tämä on meidän kohdalla viimeinen tylsä vappu! Ensi vappuna siis toivon mukaan jotain elämää. Viime viikkoisia asuja on julkaisematta muutama, mutta ajttelin laittaa ne vaikka seuraavassa postauksessa. :) Mitäs sinä teet tänään ja huomenna vappuna? Jos sinulla on hetki aikaa niin jätä kommentti ja piristä vappuani. ♥ Arvostaisin myös jos joku osaisi auttaa minua edellisen postauksen ongelmassa.
PS. Törmäsin taas yhteen barelypolitical:n parodiaan. :D
"My Generation"- Nas & Damian Marley ft. Joss Stone & Lil Wayne: Download
Nas Damian Marley feat. Joss Stone Lil Wayne My Generation
Apologies for the delay, this one dropped with "Friends" which was posted yesterday. Nasir Marley=Gold...add Joss Stone and Weezy and you've got a damn gold mine.