When I look back on my life, I seem to have cycles of 5-10 years where I am gung-ho about something and then my interest wanes. Right now, my interest in blogging is getting smaller by the day--and it seems to be that way across the blogosphere. Along with Facebook, it seems as if people I follow are less and less inclined to do many posts or status updates. The only thing that is going strong right now is Twitter and some of the Red Wing blogs. (I am one of the 3,967,542 Wing fans with a blog and I am seriously thinking about closing up shop. With so many people talking about the same thing, I have next to nothing new or interesting to add to the conversation.) I think blogging and Facebook have reached their peak and are on the downslide. And, to a great extent, it makes me sad. I very much enjoy the people I have gotten to 'know' online and really am interested in what is going on with them. I would hate to lose touch with a lot of the 'imaginary, fake' friends I have come to know. Through the years, I have lost several regular readers and often wonder what has happened to them. And when you don't know real names, it is impossible to contact them.
I haven't decided to close this blog--I will continue on. I'm still not sure whether I will just blog when the spirit moves me or if I will force myself to post more frequently. Forcing myself might bring the fire back, but it also may make me hate this whole thing. The whole thing is a dilemma that I have to work through. Hopefully it will work out quickly. :)
(And watch, starting tomorrow the thoughts will start pouring out of me like diarrhea and I will post multiple times per day for the next six years. That's just the way things seem to happen, at times. :D)
The End of Blogging?
2:05 PM