Let's Get Ready To Ramble

This might turn out to be more whining than rambling, but what else is new. :)

I have never pretended that my sleep habits are anywhere near normal--I basically live a 'night shift' schedule--but after last night everything is REALLY bass-ackwards. A cold front came through yesterday, so that meant thunderstorms. I don't go near/in water during bad weather, so I wound up taking my shower between storms. This caused me to be 'done for the night' by midnight. I was feeling only a little bit sleepy, so I figured I would read till I was exhausted and around 2:00 AM I crawled into the couch. (I wanted to sleep to the sound of the TV, hence the couch-sleep.) All was fine until 3:00 AM when I woke up. After a trip to the bathroom, it was back to sleep. At 4:00 AM I was done sleeping for the night. Great. I tossed and turned until about 5:30 when I decided to just get up, get ready, and go and do the shopping I needed to do. Thank goodness I only needed to go to WalMart and the grocery store--WalMart is open 24 hours, the grocery store opens at 6:00 AM. I was home and had everything put away by 9:00 AM--a definite record for me. Then I was left with nothing I could do--K is on night shift, so he was sleeping and I couldn't do anything around the house. This kind of led to my collapse--I crashed sometime around 12 or 1 PM. I don't even remember what time I woke up--I just know I WON'T be able to sleep tonight. Yippee.


Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were record-setting days in terms of temperatures here. It happened to be our first sustained-heat spell for the year--and it happened during the unofficial end of summer. Fitting, I suppose. Anyway, we had temps in the 90 degree or over range for those days--definitely not my cup of tea. And it put me in a horrid state of mind. As anyone who reads this blog knows, I ABHOR hot weather. Thankfully, today it was at least 30 degrees colder than it was the past few days--and I am loving it. I finally realized what I could say when anyone asks what my favorite day of the year is: The day we get our first heavy frost! The frost will get rid of the bugs and give the air that crisp feel that screams fall. And it doesn't matter how hot our 'Indian summer' days are afterwards--there is that fall feel. My favorite time of year--and I can't wait.


So K is trying to sleep today and our neighbors are not being very cooperative. I can't really blame them, because stuff HAS to be done during daylight hours, but I feel for K trying to sleep through what he had to. First, our neighbors up the street decided to put up a garage and today the excavating started. That meant various pieces of heavy equipment driving back and forth all day long. And that wasn't bad enough. Our neighbors across the street are, for whatever reason, tearing up their driveway. This means, ALL DAY LONG, someone was using a jackhammer to break it up. And if you don't think that is beyond annoying, you have never been through it. And I think it will continue tomorrow. Just another reason to long for winter: no construction.


For some reason or another, I attract lousy drivers when I am driving. Over the past several days it has become very apparent. What I have been dealing with are drivers that pull out right in front of me from a side street and then decide to drive 5 miles below the speed limit. And this is usually where the speed limit is 25 MPH. AND it usually is when I am trying to get home, so I'm in a hurry. Annoying beyond belief. I really wish I could just ram into them--but I don't do road rage. :D


In our paper the other day was a report of a bear attack. Now this is very unusual, as the bear around here will back off if 'threatened' by a person--as in, make noise, wave your arms, make yourself as 'big' and threatening as possible. In the town up the road from us, a guy was out walking his property and saw a bear. He tried to shoo it off, but she came at him and bit him. She retreated, but came back for another bite. The guy's dogs then went after the bear and chased her off. The guy said he noticed, too late, that there was at least one cub in the area and he had inadvertently come between the babe and mama. Very scary, indeed. Oh, the wounds the guy sustained were NOT life-threatening, thank goodness.


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