Nearly a year since I last blogged, but been reinvigorated by my friend Sarah's blog. Still applying to be a Ph D candidate at Curtin. Transferring from the Masters. The process just goes on forever, but my research skills are really improving.

It has blown a gale for the last 3 days and we have been at the block in Denmark clearing and burning off. Which has gone some of the way to acting as an antidote to the lack of surfing opportunities. I am looking forward to living there. Albany has got so busy and is full of try-hard hoons with small dicks doing laps of York Street. Yesterday after knocking off at the block we drove into Denmark CBD and it was almost deserted. What a lovely calm space, like an old country town. No doubt it will get busier too but I hope I will be long gone before it gets to be a city.

I am posting some pics of more recent work. I don't get to the studio as much as I would like because of work and writing candidacies. Early next year I will participate in 'Paperatzi' which is a themed exhibition with many participants. I have not exhibited for a while and I am intending to install some 'sculptural forms' in coastal sites.


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