Party Update

Well, the invites aren't going to be as bad I thought. It looks like I will only have to make about 55 and the majority of them will be hand delivered by someone else. That means I won't have to put out too much in terms of postage! Yay! Seems as if A LOT of the people being invited will get a phone call instead of a written invitation. Also, the party IS going to be a joint one for BOTH of the twins--thank goodness. I only need to do 6 combined invites--the rest of The Aunt's invitees will be called on the phone. Frankly, I think sending invites is the proper and classy way to go, but I'm not complaining--it cuts down on how much I have to do and how much money I have to pay out. Works for me!!

The Mother called me and dictated the guest list to me tonight. yippee. I'm not sure WHY she did it--and I don't think C knows why, either. Oh, well, it was her choice. And somewhere along the line she had it in her mind that I was helping to plan this thing. EXCUSE ME!?!?!?!? I let her know in no uncertain terms that ALL I was doing is the invitations--AND that I just may not be able to make it to the party, either. Just from her tone of voice I could tell THAT tied her panties into knots. Sorry lady--DEAL. So, all in all, I'm feeling a bit better about things. What a difference a day makes. (make sure and SING that last sentence when you read it. :))


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