Bring It On! Battle the OTB Crew in Yahoo Fantasy Football!

We may all write blogs here at Outside The Boxscore, but we read blogs just like you all do too. A lot of those blogs post substantive, thought provoking pieces, or are simply hilarious. And these are all good, and we love reading them.

However, you take the good with the bad, and that means that a lot of blogs out there are pretty crappy. Their analysis makes you scratch your head, their jokes miss the mark, and their presence kind of make you want to stab yourself in the eye with a spork. I'm talking the kind of blogs that make you feel smart - the guys that say the Pittsburgh Pirates are a Roy Halladay trade from the playoffs, or who think the T'Wolves drafting 20 point guards this year was a good thing. You can try to talk sense into these bloggers through posting comments, but that can only take you so far. You just want a chance to prove yourself smarter than these guys, but how do you do that over the internets?

Well, if you've ever wanted to prove yourself to Outside The Boxscore, now's your chance. We play fantasy football on Yahoo, and our league could use a few more members, and we'd love to have readers fill those spots. As long as you stay active and aren't a massive douchebag, you're welcome to join. You'll be playing three OTB writers (Me, Ben and Aseem), as well as some old friends of mine. It's a competitive league (though also a free league), and if you're interested, you should check it out. It'll be fun if you hate us, it'll be fun if you love us, but I'm going to win the championship regardless. So bring it on!

Stuff you need to join: League ID is 264027, password is football, league name is "The Year the Cardinals Win It"


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