Daily Dude: Terry Crews

By now, I'm sure most of America has seen Old Spice's newest series of "Odor Blocking Body Wash" ads on TV. Strangely enough, I have only seen two of these on TV and I'm sure they aren't even the best ones. I did some digging on Youtube and found a treasure chest of these commercials that aren't aired on TV (or at least in my region). Old spice struck gold in this campaign and I can't think of a better dude to fill the role. Terry Crews. His name's almost as fresh as old spice odor blocking body wash itseeeeeeeeeeellllllllllffffff. IN addition to having a fluently pimp name and the world's most animated pectorals, he always plays the best roles. Whether it be TV, movie, or commercials he hits his spot on point every time. Take a quick peep at his IMDB and you'll see what I mean. NFL vet+star actor+Cheeseburger connoisseur=Daily Dude, Terry Crews.

See the rest after the break...


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