How Impressive Is This?

CBSNewsOnline April 13, 2010"CBS News RAW": A 46-year-old trucker from Gillete, Wyoming has set a Guinness Book record for most body piercings in a single setting with 1,200 piercings in four hours.

Sorry for the quality of the video, I know the commentary goes in out, but it's the best I could find. Anyway, enough of that. How crazy is this guy? 1200 piercings in one sitting? I know a lot of chicks dig tattoos and piercings, but I mean there's no way they can dig this, or can they?

Anyway, is this even all that impressive? In my opinion, it has to be one of the stupidest things a human being has ever decided to do. Let's stick 1200 metal needles through the fat of my skin and call it a world record. Please, I can come up with 1200 things off the top of my head that would be impressive than that, starting out with um, getting rid of those piercings on your face?

Nice try, F2DD thinks if it wasn't for Shaq you'd be the Daily Dumbass today.

PS- 5 stars if this is worth a spot in the guiness book of world records or 1 star if you hope this guy died while getting the piercings for being a clown


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