It Makes Life Interesting

A lot of people cannot understand why anyone would live here in the UP.  We are very isolated, not very progressive as far as 'big city' dwellers would think, economically depressed, and quite 'backwards' compared to other parts of the country.  But, for those who care about different criteria, this is a great place to live.  People who like the outdoors will find something to do here all year long, it is beautiful here, we have a very low crime rate, and people are willing to help their neighbors.  (We also have the largest concentration of Finnish people outside of the country of Finland, but that's beside the point.  ;))  It is amusing AND amazing how quickly people who 'can't wait to get out of here' want to come back to live after they leave.  I guess we DO have a lot to offer.

All of this is just my long way of getting to my point:  It snowed overnight.  And it STILL is snowing.  It won't stop until sometime tonight.  Now, this isn't the big storm I predicted, but it is close enough.  I would say we got six inches, at least.  NOT the UP-closing storm it should have been, but it probably was the last for the season.  And here are the pictures:

This isn't the greatest picture--it's from the breakfast nook window looking at the backyard.

Here is from my backdoor, looking toward the street--a little easier to see the amount of snow that fell.

The snow will stop some time tonight.  And by Monday it will be all gone.  It DOES make life interesting.


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