Who Was Sitting In Front Of My At The LA Dodgers Game...?

...Yes, that's a Yankees hat...
Check after the break for the answer...
If you guessed Alex "I Heart D in my A" Rodriguez, well you're wrong.  Ya fucking crazy right?  I couldn't take my eyes off this guy (in the most heterosexual way possible).  I kept asking my buddy, is that A-Rod?  Does A-Rod have a twin?  Besides, who wears a Yankees hat to a Dodgers/D-Backs game?  A douche bag is who!  He even had the gay A-Rod lips!  

Moral of the story, to the extent of my knowledge it was just some random bro-chief mindin' his own bizzy.  I know this because A-rod's brother looks nothing like him.  And this guy has to know he looks like the juicer's replica right?  Why else would someone wear a NYY hat and Arod-type sunglasses to this game? 


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