Winner of the Week: Awesome Baseball Games

Usually, on some bi-weekly or weekly basis, we pick something, some team or some person to dub the "Winner of the Week".

Here is this week's: Awesome Baseball Games

On a day where the NBA and NHL playoffs were supposed to shine, Major League Baseball decided to make some noise by playing two incredible regular season affairs yesterday.

The first came when the Colorado Rockies/Atlanta Braves faced off in Atlanta, Colorado pitcher Ublando Jimenez threw the first no-hitter in Colorado Rockies history. Yep, that's right it was the first in their history and just think of all those great pitching talents that have come through Colorado. (Obviously, I'm trying to enhance this.)

Not only did we see a no-hitter on Saturday, we also saw a 20 inning affair between the St. Lous Cardinals and the New York Mets which lasted a grant total of 6 hours and 53 minutes.

For those of you playing at home, a grand total of three NBA playoff games were completed and two NHL playoff games finished before the Mets/Cardinals had the Mets pulling it out by the score of 2-1.

So, congrats awesome baseball games, you are the Winner of the Week.

Things that Missed the Cut: Caron Butler's Talking Abe Tattoo, Kevin Durant Being Disrespected, and Drunk Phillie Fan Vomits Everywhere


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