creative margins

drowning, this is one of my photographic collage studies
and a pivotal symbolic image at the basis of my research

Creative Margins: Humanities Graduate Research Conference 5th – 6th November, 2009

In 2009 Curtin celebrates the tenth annual Humanities Graduate Research Conference. The subject this year is Creative Margins and is based on the idea that researchers often find themselves working at the 'edges' of their disciplinary fields in their 'search for new ways of approaching knowledge'. The blurb on the website states that the 'creative leaps' that occur at the 'margins of the field.... and 'liminal zones of practice' serve to 'enrich and enliven scholarship'. It also notes that these breakthroughs 'push creative intellectual boundaries' and are often 'sited in the first-stage research community: the honours, postgraduate and early career researchers.'

That's me! Early career researcher. Imagine that.

This is an interdisciplinary conference and will focus on the 'creative re-visioning' that researchers are 'imagining and experimenting with'.

I have never participated in something like this. I am new to academia and although my knowledge of protocols, procedures and schools of philosophical thought is limited, I am excited at the prospect that I may be presenting my ideas.

I am only slightly daunted at the prospect that I might make a complete fuck-up of it. Ignorance is bliss.


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